So you download the client and then...

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So you download the client and then...

Postby LAMBDA471 » Thu 30 Mar 2017, 15:39

... you have to install Silverlight?

I thought the idea of clients was so you save yourself the trouble of installing additional software. I downloaded the Steam version and I was greeted with a message telling me I need to install Silverlight to play the game, then I figured maybe it's Steam-specific issue so I found the website and downloaded a client from there... I had to install Silverlight again...

Wasn't Silverlight deprecated or something?

And even after installing Silverlight, I get this:


Something tells me the game was intentionally made hard to run, probably to prevent hacking as people give up trying to run it and go play other games. Sorry if I sound like an asshole, but this incredibly hard setup process can lose you a lot of players...

EDIT: So I even restarted my computer, changed the default browser from Vivaldi to IE just in case and I still can't get it to work.

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Re: So you download the client and then...

Postby Falkarma » Thu 30 Mar 2017, 15:57

Hi Lambda471.

In 4 years, it's the first time I see this error. Yes the game need Silverlight, we know that this engine is in the end of his life (end expected in 2021 or something like that).

Are you running on Windows XP?
Therian Saga

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