Ice Queen

Posts: 19
Joined: Wed 24 May 2017, 20:58
Realm: Kragkul

Ice Queen

Postby Lunatica » Mon 31 Dec 2018, 17:46

there will be a new task that will call a special holiday "boss". The quest to access this task must be accepted before January 7th, but the creature will remain available permanently. However, unlike the others, you will have to pay with some imperial candies to launch the action. In exchange, its loot will be more interesting.

No creo que haya sido interesante el loot del boss :( mas bien un desperdicio de dulces

Ice Queen


23:24: Recibes: 4x Perla brumosa, 2x Mandrámorta


21:49: Recibes: 2x Perla brumosa, 2x Eternal snowflake, 2x Bloque de lanferita


22:52: Recibes: 2x Dulce Imperial, 3x Mandrámorta, 1x Eternal snowflake, 1x Tela de bingu


00:27: Recibes: 2x Piedra lunar pequeña sin labrar, 2x Bloque de lanferita, 1x Tela de bingu


00:18: Recibes: 9x Perla brumosa, 1x Dulce Imperial


02:07: Recibes: 5x Perla brumosa, 2x Mandrámorta, 4x Bloque de lanferita


00:09: Recibes: 2x Perla brumosa, 3x Piedra lunar pequeña sin labrar, 1x Mandrámorta, 1x Bloque de lanferita

Una lastima que fuera tan malo el loot, era una buena idea

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