Crafting calc

Posts: 81
Joined: Wed 06 Jan 2016, 12:24
Realm: Fauconnia

Crafting calc

Postby Valkyrie » Wed 06 Jan 2016, 13:49

Author: Aknoth

Hi everyone,

to thank and encourage the many users of my tools, I finally get the motivation to offer you :
- a decent design
- an easy to remember domain name
- a better access for you, English speaking folks, through a new server

From now on, all my tools can be used on :

You will find :
- general simulator (more or less complete) for item crafting including runic stuff
- herbalism simulator, including runic potions
- a tool helping you setting up passive resource harvest
Some other tools can be useful :
- all the tasks paid by NPC and the items you can sale to them
- items NPC are selling
- Basalm and jewellery components simulators
- A tool that helps you determining accommodation score of your castle

The website includes a chatting box for you to leave me any message or suggestion.
Previous website will work until the end of March, in order to be sure the new website is reliable. Please note, I will be unavailable from 03/12 to 03/29.

Thanks for your support.

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