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Help with Guild building - Monolith Quarry

Posted: Fri 29 Dec 2017, 17:44
by alucardeck
Hi all,

we are trying to figure out the quality needed to build our first guild structure, it will be a Monolith Quarry @ Shortblades.

So, it will need in 20 Mountain req (19 as our character provides 1.0).

Our assumptions are:

Maple framework and Maple tower have 20 mountain constructability, so its ok to use.

For the MegaMachine - Big Hoist:
we just need to beat the Mountain constructability too, all other stats are useless (Prestige, Fame, Fortification), is that right?

Then we could use something like:
Cedar Plank, Limestone Block, Silk Fiber, Firm Leather and Brass Ingot
which will produce a Big Hoist with these stats:
36 dif, 15 prestige, 9 fortification, 11 fame and 22 Mountain constructability.

For the Machine - Rails for Stones:
it seems obvious that we need to focus on the Extraction value, but its not clear how much value is needed, we are planning to extract Limestone boulder to turn it into Monolith, or we should aim higher Extraction value to allow gathering something better at long term?

We are afraid of spending too much time building something useless and just notice that after a while :?

Could you help us, please?

Thank you in advance.

Re: Help with Guild building - Monolith Quarry

Posted: Fri 29 Dec 2017, 18:15
by Céline

Yes, you just need to beat Mountain (with a protosensor it's -5 instead of -1).
Megamachine, framework and tower count -> 3 x (20-1) = 57 (score to beat)
I use this tool when I need to build something ;) :

At home (private), collecting bonus score are "machine / 2". For guild it's "machine / 4".
Marapis boulder, shortblades : 25% -> with rails for stone 20, presence will be 30% (400/30=14 actions for one boulder). with a rails for stone 48 (gurdismo & domane) total score will be 37% (400/37=11 actions for one boulder).
( for rails : clic science, then engeneering, then machienum, and finally "devise a rail system for stones")

Re: Help with Guild building - Monolith Quarry

Posted: Fri 29 Dec 2017, 20:38
by Melindra
alucardeck wrote:Hi all,

we are trying to figure out the quality needed to build our first guild structure, it will be a Monolith Quarry @ Shortblades.
we are planning to extract Limestone boulder to turn it into Monolith

There are no Limestone boulders in Shortblades :(
Maybe you meant Marapis boulders? If you want limestone, you'll need a monolith quarry in whitestone or lufomir.

Celine answered everything else. :)

And remember that each piece does NOT need to be 20 mountain...just the average mountain value for all the components of the build need to reach 20-1(19). so you could use fir frameworks, marl towers and a megamachine with high mountain stat. Theriansim Constructability Calculator is a HUGE help when trying to plan builds. Learn it now. It will save you much hassle in the long term. :)

Re: Help with Guild building - Monolith Quarry

Posted: Sun 31 Dec 2017, 02:04
by alucardeck
Thank you for the answers, I think I got it now.

You are correct, we should get Limestone first (as it will be our first Technique obtained)

Yet, I have a doubt about extraction value.

Limestone boulder has presence 50% @ Whitestone Fields

If we build a Rails on Stone using Cooper/Cedar, it will have 29 extraction value.
29/4 (guild) = 7.25 (does it round up or down?)
50%+7.25% = 57.25%

where did you get that 400 value?
Will it be 400/57.25 = 7 (6.98) actions?

Also, does the % goes to 0% after reaching 100%?
Or the over 100% will be added to the next boulder extraction.

Ex.: It's 90% and I extract with 30%.
The result will be:
1) 100% (extraction completed) + 20% for the next one.
2) 100% (extraction completed), and % reseted to 0.

Thank you!

Re: Help with Guild building - Monolith Quarry

Posted: Sun 31 Dec 2017, 09:29
by Vidmedik
rounding the values is not happening.

2) 100% (extraction completed), and % reseted to 0.


Re: Help with Guild building - Monolith Quarry

Posted: Sun 31 Dec 2017, 09:37
by Céline
The "400%" is "because devs decided it" in the game for some tasks : collecting a giant resource but also recruit or tame a companion (that explain why we have to do 4x the task "recruit a page" to have one).

I'm not sure for round up or down, there's severel method in the game. So I made a test ;) : "classical" round
Marapis boulder (25% in shortblades) + rails 29 extraction = 32% of presence
Marapis boulder (25% in shortblades) + rails 21 extraction = 33% of presence
(but both give you 8% in the progression bar, see pictures in spoiler, and you will need 13x task to have one boulder. Note : 12.1 or 12.9 -> 13 tasks)

At home (machine/2, we have results with) 0.5, it's "the nearest even" -> 47 and 49 = +24

Don't pay attention to my companions... that's part of "the tester hard life"
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Re: Help with Guild building - Monolith Quarry

Posted: Sun 31 Dec 2017, 10:26
by Vidmedik
rounding the result of the game is illusory, so we see a round number, but the real calculation is performed on fractional numbers. That is, 6.02 cycles it will not be 6 cycles, but 7 unfortunately.