ingame player"shops/marketstalls"

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ingame player"shops/marketstalls"

Postby Markusjh » Sat 09 Jan 2016, 14:16

This is something that i think would be really cool down the road.not sure if/how it would work/screw up the market or just be redundant. But something like market stalls for players in either the market tab itself or as a "location" in each major city.Or even just at a guild hq(obviously only accessible to the guild members in that case).Again this might be redundant but its an "idea" haha!

Players would be able to "rent" a market stall for lets say a 7/14/28 day contract which can be used as a "storefront"(that you can name: ie:. Sukrams Metal shop"). How i envision this looking would be a window that opens up with a "bar/box" on the left listing all the "market stalls currently occupied at that location" by shop name so others can see what shops they can browse.and on the right side of the window a "inventory/bag" style box(like a concession storage) where the "store owner" can place items for sale. When you click on a shop name in the left hand "bar" it would then open the corresponding shop storage and show available items for sale in that shop. These items could be "priced" by the shop owner in a cash on delivery style system. so To be able to buy(take) an item you'd have to be in that specific location and have the cash on hand which would be deposited right into the owners account when you hit "buy".

This would allow(guilds especially) to trade and sell items easier to other players/guild members and have more of an "inventory" availiable".you could set it so that for example if you have iron rivets for sale in sukrams metal shop with a set price(say 50 silver each) and stock level of say 50 items.Each time sukram crafts iron rivets and the "store inventory"is below the pre-set 50 limit level, the crafted items would go right into the store for sale at the pre-determined price until the inventory limit is reached. I realize it is very similar to the current market system but to be able to see all the items one player has for sale in one spot and keep an "inventory" would be neat. it would also add more of role play style element where you can visit shops and keep a "business". It might also eliminate not being able to find certain resources on the market or hoping/waiting someone will sell a certain item again soon ,because players could keep an inventory and for example always have ore/firewood/ingots for sale.

it would basically be a more individualized market where you could keep a "stock inventory" if you are looking to sell more then just an item or two in the "general market". Could be that you need a certain commerce level and reputation level before you are able to open a "stall" in a certain town. lower levels for hawk city.. higher levels in lanfar and norstria.

this was just something i was thinking about last night.


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Re: ingame player"shops/marketstalls"

Postby Morlop » Sat 09 Jan 2016, 15:12

öh maybe i don't get your point, but I have no idea where this would be an improvement to the current market system....What are the upsides to this? Where would this help?
I only see possible difficulties with that...
  • I would hate to search through 50 players shops to maybe find an item I want to buy...
  • Why would this be good for guilds? We just trade and send stuff to each other, or build spezific stuff that's need, why would we need a shop, where only guild members can buy stuff?
  • ....

Though I would agree that we need ideas to keep the market more alive, I don not think that this is a good one..

One thing I guess that would be nice is
  • The possibility to put for example 100 knives as a bundle on the market, but they don't have to be bought in bundle. Someone could just by 50 for example. (Like in the new market tab, where you are able to look for 100 knives but they can be sold to you one by one.

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Re: ingame player"shops/marketstalls"

Postby Markusjh » Sat 09 Jan 2016, 15:35

i was thinking of this as an "addition" to the market.. basically allowing players to open a business location and have an inventory of items for sale.
For the guilds it would allow players to more easily sell items to other members and let other members see what is currently for sale/ what might still be for sale 2-3 weeks down the road instead of having to sort through mails and request guild storage access everytime they need/want something.

i think the best addition to the market as you said it would be by being able to put "bundles" for sale on the market but not having to buy the whole batch. and allowing items to stay for sale longer then a week.

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Re: ingame player"shops/marketstalls"

Postby Morlop » Sat 09 Jan 2016, 15:48

Markusjh wrote:i was thinking of this as an "addition" to the market.. basically allowing players to open a business location and have an inventory of items for sale.

Problem with that I think would be, that current market will be even more empty.
Also looking for items would be harder (unless there is a function to search through market and marketstalls at the same time or something like that)
I don't know about the guild addition, might be helpful to some guilds, but thinking about how I do thing (obviously my point of view) it's pointless, since I am only producing/selling items that are needed by a specific player. Only stuff produced for leveling is sold on free market and there the market works fine (for the most part) as it is. A little bit annoying is the limitation on market places which you can only get rid off blue crowns .

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Re: ingame player"shops/marketstalls"

Postby plantice » Sat 09 Jan 2016, 17:41

I hate to disagree with this idea since I do like it but I don't believe therian really needs this. We have the ability to use market for buying, selling, requesting now. This would cause a lot of searching on the players part. Now if instead of selling materials, what if we had market stalls ( a list of people, not actual stalls) of people selling their time. So lets say I want to sell 100 energy to do whatever ppl want and it would auto do it.

Here is a step by step:
Go to a place like maliken
Open a stall with the amount of energy you want and the price per 1 energy point
Someone needs some item made (tin chisels) and hires you for 5s/energy
They would pay and in x minutes, you get a mail with your items

Now this sounds like a great idea and quite usable. This would help new characters out a great deal as it allows them to be idle. Only issue would be who supplies the mats, i would assume it would be the buyer as there is no way to tell if the seller has the materials.
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Re: ingame player"shops/marketstalls"

Postby Markusjh » Sun 10 Jan 2016, 01:20

hmm.. i do see your guys's point. i like the idea of being idle (say while on vacation) and still being productive. how would character level come into play.? youd have to almost input a range of levels you could "complete" and then run the risk of some tasks being on the low end of the range and not have a level up chance.

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Re: ingame player"shops/marketstalls"

Postby plantice » Mon 11 Jan 2016, 16:36

I don't see why we couldn't limit it by level. So you would input cost per energy and valid skill range. I don't think you want to focus on skilling up, as skilling up general needs potions and personal places(higher end machines). This idea would be for making money on your craft.
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