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Connection of servers

Posted: Sat 31 Mar 2018, 11:59
by Viki

Czy twórcy gry rozważali połączyć serwery gry.? Połączenie takie było by w moim przekonaniu bardzo dobre zwiększyło by to ilość ludzi na danym serwerze, ożywiło by handel między graczami. Przypuszczam że nie było by problemu z lokalizacją gry, wystarczyło by dodać możliwość wyboru języka w opcjach. Co o tym myślicie ?

Did the game developers consider connecting game servers.? Such connection would be very good in my opinion, it would increase the number of people on server, it would revive trade between players. I suppose that there would be no problem with the langue of the game, it would be enough to add the option of choosing a language in the options. What do you think about it?

Les développeurs du jeu ont-ils envisagé de connecter les serveurs serveurs? Une telle connexion serait très bonne à mon avis, cela relancerait le commerce entre les acteurs. Je suppose qu'il n'y aurait pas de problème avec le jeu. Qu'en penses-tu?

Re: Connection of servers

Posted: Sat 31 Mar 2018, 12:13
by Céline
There's some of technical problems with this idea. For exemple : name of the characters... or language of "server texts" (quest, descriptions,...). And others that I won't describe here.

Re: Connection of servers

Posted: Sat 31 Mar 2018, 15:21
by Balok
Applications meant to support multiple languages on the same server and to operate on a server farm in the way you suggest have to be designed from the ground up to work like that. Doing that as a mid-life upgrade would require a large infusion of developers dedicated to the task, a collection of staging servers, and it would probably re-introduce a lot of previously squashed bugs. Got 7-8 figures of cash to hand them to do this? :)

Re: Connection of servers

Posted: Thu 05 Apr 2018, 10:00
by Innerself
Is it not a bit easier to unite just markets? or maybe chat as well..
even chat alone might add more fun and sense, i believe...
Some intercultural communication, foreign language practice, you know..
might be a good chance to start to unite people instead of these bloody world dissociation tendences..

and.. sorry if this topic is tiresome - if so, please, just don't bother to answer..