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Therian @ Mac

Posted: Fri 14 Oct 2016, 15:25
by fingon
I have been playing the game at a Mac machine from the beginning. I used to play it at Chrome then when it got dropped, I tried both Firefox and Safari. Firefox did not seem to work correctly, the map is not scrolling smoothly, it jumps at points, making it really bothersome to play, while Safari had an excellent behaviour. So I decided to use Safari for main and cycle my alts with Firefox.

It all changed with new Mac Sierra, a new version of the O/S running on Macs. It got released a week ago and after the update, with a new version of Safari 10 which drops all plugin support. It actually comes with Silverlight blocked, which can be unblocked at preferences but... the behaviour is not the same. Now the game is almost unplayable. The map jumps instead of scrolling, hot points are not clickable some times, single clicking on items doesn't work, you need to press 3-4 times, in general too many freezes to make this playable.

So, it comes the time when my favourite game is almost unplayable at my machine using all browsers available (which machine by the way does not lack system power, so this is not the problem here). I don't know if other Mac users have the same issue, but for me the past 2-3 days it has been really disappointing. I haven't figured a solution, but the cry is out loud. We need Silverlight out. You know it 2 years, you should have released it by now, you had your issues as well but with all the Greenlights in the world, if you don't release it somewhere in the next few months, players (staring with Mac users) will have no way to achieve a good game experience with Therian Saga and will quit.

edit: From official Firefox blog posted at the end of 2015:
"Websites and publishers which currently use plugins such as Silverlight or Java should accelerate their transition to Web technologies. The Web platform is powerful and can usually do everything that a plugin can do. In the rare cases where a site needs to extend Web technologies, the recommended solution is to develop the additional features as a Firefox add-on. Site maintainers should prepare for plugins to stop working in all versions of Firefox by the end of 2016."

Re: Therian @ Mac

Posted: Fri 14 Oct 2016, 16:30
by Torrey
thanks for the warning. I have put off upgrading to Sierra just for fear of this kind of problem. I love TS. I love my Mac. Getting rid of silverlight would be a blessing for me.

Re: Therian @ Mac

Posted: Sat 15 Oct 2016, 09:15
by fingon
Tried almost all available browsers.

All the best are Chromium based (Opera, Vivaldi), so no NPAPI.
1-2 crap ones like Sea Monkey did actually start the game but their performance is worse than Firefox.

What is left is a broken Firefox which plays with lots of freezes. Playable but not at all enjoyable, especially when moving around the map.

Torrey, this is not the solution. We cannot keep our machines non-updated for a game, we use it for our other things as well.

Re: Therian @ Mac

Posted: Wed 19 Oct 2016, 14:46
by Falkarma
There is an out-of-browser possibility on Mac too for Silverlight but it is yet unclear to me if it use the core of Opera or another system.

I will try to have it tested and see if we can release something with that.

I'll keep you updated.

Re: Therian @ Mac

Posted: Wed 19 Oct 2016, 15:39
by Lifewarden
Map stuttering and general delays for every action? Man, I had that for years on Win7 lol, on any browser and the official client (incl. those browsers that are 10 yr. old like an Opera 22 I still use for TS only) ... The effects get worse the more advanced the char is. Didn't think anyone had it smooth 0.o Just get used to it till the Unity release comes :3

Re: Therian @ Mac

Posted: Wed 19 Oct 2016, 15:53
by fingon
Thank you Falk for looking into it. I do have a hope that Steam version will work with Mac when it gets released, but I have never used Steam and not sure how it works.

Safari was very smooth until v10.0. I got used to Firefox freezes for now, but my gaming atm is mostly static, which is not the case for new releases.

Re: Therian @ Mac

Posted: Fri 21 Oct 2016, 14:06
by Falkarma
Fingon : I've sent you a private message.

Re: Therian @ Mac

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2016, 15:30
by fingon
Screen capture of a trip from nostria to home. Check the map freezes and the 10 second freeze of timer later on. This is what I suffer every day. I had to check 9 locations for the candies and it was a nightmare. I dont visit Iriza any more, I hardly do anything more than staying at home.
(mouse pointer movements up and down are failed attempts to scroll the map)

Right now, it feels like stopping for a while is my best option. The sad thing is that when you keep distance from a game for some time, you never come back...

Re: Therian @ Mac

Posted: Fri 11 Nov 2016, 23:21
by Mynalla
I took a look at fingon's video, and it does look pretty awful. Is there any way you can make a Mac stand-alone client like the Windows one that many of us are using now? I can't see that it's good for the game to write off Mac users, especially ones like fingon who have been with this game for so long and have done so much in the game. I'm certainly not saying it's anyone's intent to write them off, but unfortunately that could be the effect if a solution is not possible.

Re: Therian @ Mac

Posted: Sat 12 Nov 2016, 16:58
by Laerities/Volund
A solution would be to get rid of your apple garbage, PC rules Mac Drools. But Linux is better than them all muahaha

Re: Therian @ Mac

Posted: Sat 12 Nov 2016, 22:11
by Tarabiscotte
I know it's not an ideal solution but have you ever tried some kind of virtual box ?
Like coherence mode of parallel desktop for example ?