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Extend your hand in Norstria

Posted: Mon 22 Jul 2019, 00:43
by Euphemia
This quest has stopped working for the Forest house of the Korvus location. The option to hand in your skvader for imperial candy never shows up now. This happens even on characters that have never visited the location before so it's not simply that I completed the quest already and forgot. I've seen it on many characters so I think it happens for everyone.

Re: Extend your hand in Norstria

Posted: Tue 23 Jul 2019, 14:45
by Cloudigger
I'm going to check what's going.

Edit: Found what was going on. We will fix it soon.

Edit: it's fixed now

Re: Extend your hand in Norstria

Posted: Wed 24 Jul 2019, 23:01
by Euphemia
Wow. How did you manage to fix it that fast !?!?

Re: Extend your hand in Norstria

Posted: Fri 18 Oct 2019, 18:00
by krammark1

I just finished the extend my hands tour, but at Forest house of the Korvus I got the quest: Extend your hand in Lanfar
which means I had to deliver mohair fibers instead of dead Skvader, and that house is definitely in Norstria


Re: Extend your hand in Norstria

Posted: Sat 19 Oct 2019, 14:17
by Patrope
Not quite the same quest, but possibly related: I recently had the Norstria goats quest disappear from an alt who had not completed it. (I know she hadn't done so before because she has only just achieved the necessary skill.)

Is this a glitch, or does it mean that the quests are being reset for this year?

Re: Extend your hand in Norstria

Posted: Sat 19 Oct 2019, 17:30
by CĂ©line
Can you send a mail to support with the name and server of your alt, please, so I can check it (I can't restart the quest on dev'server).