Some news from Virtys!

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby warmate » Mon 15 Apr 2019, 20:57

In TR server, there is only one.

About merging, could you merge TR server and any other country servers?

Personally, merging with other countries is OK for TR server. Already, there are a few people playing TS :/

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby cuentista » Mon 15 Apr 2019, 21:25

Falkarma wrote:I was on Marcus trying to chat (not easy for me in Russian) and got many request for merging the old servers. What are your opinions about merging?

Almost all for it. The level of players is almost the same, but the whole difference in pricing.
P.S. Discord is OK.

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Jenny » Mon 15 Apr 2019, 21:40

Falkarma wrote:I was on Marcus trying to chat (not easy for me in Russian) and got many request for merging the old servers. What are your opinions about merging?

Merging the old servers is good thought if all progress will not wasted. Is this true? It will be bad to lose all our progress.

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Drimacus » Mon 15 Apr 2019, 22:36

On pourrait fusionner Teasan et Fiergrue tant qu'à faire ? Question de rassembler les 10 joueurs en ligne de chaque côté ensemble ?

Je suis très mitigé par cette annonce. Non pas que je doute de votre intention de continuer à faire évoluer Therian Saga, mais un peu quand même...

Je vais me laisser le temps d'absorber la nouvelle et de voir les prochaines actions que vous ferez!

Félicitations pour le nouveau jeu ! Mist... ça me rappelle un très vieux jeu ça !! :)
Baston !!

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Dorrinda » Mon 15 Apr 2019, 23:03

I have mixed feelings on the new game, will just have to wait and see.
I like the idea of merging servers, I see the number of players on line under 20 every day, at different times. I have also seen only 6 players online. These numbers are not good.

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby glumetzul » Tue 16 Apr 2019, 06:09

First of all, I would like to reiterate how much I appreciate your work on Therian Saga. It has an almost perfect ballance for players such as myself (though it does get frustrating to wait sometimes weeks at a time for a one point level increase or gathering resources for building something on a certain terrain). I also highly appreciated your monetization model that isn't focused on milking players for money every day or week. I think it's one of two online games I know where I can buy some serious advantages with a one time payment rather than being forced into a subscription method. Now that I think of it, I'd be pleasantly shocked if you kept the same business model on the new game considering how other developers are pretty much swimming in money with the micro transactions model by just screwing players over.

No matter what, I'm excited to try this new game. I trust that you can use your experience from working on Therian Saga to create something just as great, even if it might prove to be a bit more costly :) Hopefully the new framework will prove more flexible than Silverlight so we'll be able to play it on more platforms and browsers. I'm curious about what the new game will be about? Are we once again looking at a browser based RPG of sorts or are you crossing into the strategy / city building genre?

Also, regarding the new servers. Have you considered implementing some "speed servers"? 12 years ago I used to play Travian which is a lot more alert than Therian Saga considering it's a war game and a "round" usually takes about 6 months. And they would once in a while launch a speed server where everything was happening three times as fast. At one time I think they also launched a 10x server.

For Travian, the speed option was too much for me, I never had the time for quite such a level of involvement. But when it comes to Therian Saga, I think a 10x option or even faster than that, would make it like an entirely different experience for players, almost like an entirely different game. It's something I'd be highly interested to try it. Perhaps you could even monetize such an option by making access such a server subscription based, or perhaps having players on normal servers be charged something for such a speed increase.

For the last I don't know how many months, Therian Saga for me has been something that I check every morning, give the orders for the next 24 hours and then sign off until the next day knowin that my characters has enough work on his hands for whatever this week's objective is. Having everything move faster would turn it into a game I can check every few hours instead. And yes, I know that a 10x speed means 10 times as many tasks for the server to process and would require more computing power for it. It makes it even more justified for you to charge for it.

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Rufio » Tue 16 Apr 2019, 08:08

Sounds like exciting news to me :D

The things I enjoy most about TS are the pace, the ability to advance via a focus on crafting rather than combat, and the frankly insane efforts you guys put into balancing the mechanics (seriously, I'd love to read a long blog about that one day).

So it has occurred to me in the past that porting the underlying game mechanics to a different setting ("TS in spaaace"?) would probably work great.

Otherwise keeping the pace the same, avoiding "super-materials" (not really a fan of gala and hulbergor) and turning down the late-game emphasis on combat would be my big wishes for the new game.

I don't really mind the new servers at all - recently started a few new alts now I need more cash, and replaying the early game with them has been a surprising amount of fun. It does have to go with an expanding player community but it sounds like you have plans for that. I do wonder whether it wouldn't be nice to have a server achievements table so people can see who was first to kill Owl, who built first krya mine, etc. Maybe even give the relevant player some recognition in the "next life" by naming an NPC after them in the next server to launch or something...

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Maniel » Tue 16 Apr 2019, 08:43

Drimacus wrote:On pourrait fusionner Teasan et Fiergrue tant qu'à faire ? Question de rassembler les 10 joueurs en ligne de chaque côté ensemble

Hey, sur Fiergrue en soirée en semaine on est 10-15 (alts non compris) à discuter (pas tout le monde tous les jours, mais parfois tout de même on est plus de 20 à discuter ^^). L'heure de pointe c'est 19h30-21h chez nous. Y'aurait plus de monde sans le canal "guilde" :p
Je parle bien des discuteurs, pas juste du monde en ligne.
Joue depuis le : 2014-01-07 (7janvier) 15:10:07
25 personnages sur Fiergrue (non ce n'est pas un record !).
Mais non, mais non, je ne sommes pas du tout schizophrène :lol:

Mmmmh. Oui, irl, je suis une fille.

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby SonyaBlade » Tue 16 Apr 2019, 09:57

Da anscheindend Google irgendetwwas übersetzt hat wo ich falsch verstanden wurde, werde ich jetzt Deutsch schreiben.
Mein entsetzen besteht aus folgendem. Ich habe viele hunterte Euro die vergangenen Jahre gesteckt mit dem Versprechen das dieses Spiel diese Welt damit weiterentwickelt wird und diese Welt hätte noch genügend Gebiete auf der Therian Landkarte die das Spiel sehr wohl weiterführbar machen würde.
ich habe die letzten Monate nur gesehen wie viele Spieler das Handtuch werfen und aufhören da das Silverlight Plugin unspielbar wird und mit updates von Windows 10 crasht. Einige Spieler bekommen auf einmal nach dem Laden schwarze Bildschirme und geben auf. Andere Spieler können nicht einmal in den Chat schreiben ohne auszuloggen.
Viele Spieler haben aufgehört weil die Umsetzung auf HTML5 oder Flash nicht stattgefunden hat und so wie ich es lese auf den alten Servern auch nicht mehr umgesetzt wird? Habe ich das richtig gelesen? (In German war die News ja nicht geschrieben)
Und genau da hakt es in meinem verständnis, Blaue Kronen soll man ja kaufen damit werden dann die neuen Welten finanziert und die alten server (die alte Community wird vor den Kopf gestossen, und ich muss ehrlich sagen so verliert man das Vertrauen in die Com)
Denn wenn man einen neuen Server beginnt um "normal" weiterzuspielen muss mman ja bei 0 beginnen und wieder genau die selben Summen oder mehr investieren um genau soweit zu kommen wie man gerade ist ohne mehr zu haben. sondern nur damit man sich das umschreiben der alten server auf eine neue plattform nicht umsetzen muss. Die ausrede dmit man alte quests wieder spielen kann ist nicht gut , denn da kann man sich auch einen neuen char anlegen den kann man auch von 0 beginnen.
Und die alte Community wird auf die seite gestellt. So empfinde ich das und habe dies in anderen spielen leider auch schon gehabt. Nur hatte ich Virtys vertraut da dies kein rundenbasiertes Spiel ist.

PS: Von Microsoft wird die Silverlight unterstützung am 12.10.2021 unter Windows eingestellt dann ist man die alte community auch los.
Hoffe das man mich jetzt richtig verstehen kann. mfg max

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Céline » Tue 16 Apr 2019, 10:18

Numbers of players wanted new servers (to be the first to "do this" or just to have a hard work to achieve some goals). Don't care about new server if you don't want to play on it.

But. A new server doesn't cost as much as "you" (not especially you, Sonya ^^) think. But recoding game from SL to Unity, or somehting else, is much more long and expansive than "you" think. Balok talk about it here : -clic- (what he said about Therian Saga / new game is also valid for SL / Unity version of Therian Saga)

But as ever (and everywhere, for a lot of subjects), we will read here more unhappy people than happy people. That's just Human Nature.
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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby SonyaBlade » Tue 16 Apr 2019, 10:41

Celine ich würde überlegen an ihrer stelle ob das auch die Payment Spieler sind die das wollen und ob sie sich auch wirklich schon umgehört haben unter den Personen die auch zahlen und denen die Versprechen gegeben wurden.

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Maniel » Tue 16 Apr 2019, 11:08

(writing this with my player account : it's my personnal opinion, I don't know what Virtys think about this)

Some players buy BC to sell them in the IG market. Has the opinion about the players that buy BC on the IG market less value ? If they don't buy that BC, the "first" buyer won't do it again ;-) (it reminds me the old time, when rich people can vote and poors can't =/ ). Have I to pay more attention to "BC buyers" when they contact support ? Do I be more "cool" with BC buyers on Global/Moderation ?

$ or € are important, but's not the only thing a game need to "work". (something like a good community is important too, and we have it ♥)

I won't publically debate more about such things, but you can send me a pm if you want)
Joue depuis le : 2014-01-07 (7janvier) 15:10:07
25 personnages sur Fiergrue (non ce n'est pas un record !).
Mais non, mais non, je ne sommes pas du tout schizophrène :lol:

Mmmmh. Oui, irl, je suis une fille.

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby guivou » Tue 16 Apr 2019, 11:22

Drimacus wrote:On pourrait fusionner Teasan et Fiergrue tant qu'à faire ? Question de rassembler les 10 joueurs en ligne de chaque côté ensemble ?

Je suis très mitigé par cette annonce. Non pas que je doute de votre intention de continuer à faire évoluer Therian Saga, mais un peu quand même...

Je vais me laisser le temps d'absorber la nouvelle et de voir les prochaines actions que vous ferez!

Félicitations pour le nouveau jeu ! Mist... ça me rappelle un très vieux jeu ça !! :)

voila qui resume aussi mon impression , et me laisse trés dubitatif sur l'ajout de nouveau contenu moi qui depuis plusieurs mois attendait la pierre celeste, l'elicarde, une arme tranchante digne du nom, des arenes de guilde ...

je suis plus interressé par le nouveau jeu que de nouveaux serveurs (j'ai déjà plusieurs perso qui n'ont pas beaucoup avancé dans les quetes car c'est trop long) par contre si nouveau serveur il y a, l'idée d'avoir des serveurs vitesse x 5 pourquoi pas afin de proposer quelque chose de differents pour les anciens joueurs car la motivation d'etre le premier à faire tel ou tel chose n'est pas trop dans l'esprit unique du jeu (pas de compétition)

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby dalth » Tue 16 Apr 2019, 11:23

bonnes nouvelles mais qui emmènent d autres questions ( c est le but d un teaser aussi:) )

quel support pour "l'héritage des brumes" ( je ne suis pas sur de la traduction ;) )?
quel est le stade de développement: alpha, beta? y aura t il une open beta ?
quel est le gameplay prévu?
quelle est l équipe de développement?

quelle équipe de développement pour therian saga?

y aura t il des passerelles entre les jeux ( comme pour everquest et everquest 2 par exemple) ?

bref des news!!!! pleaaaaaase :)
" y a des jours où faut pas m'chercher, et y a des jours tous les jours "
Krän prince de torgnol

j'aime bien sa manière de penser à ce gars là :twisted:

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby PHOENIX » Tue 16 Apr 2019, 11:51

Thanks yu very much for new servers! i wait it so long!

New art for new project are Awesome! Will be wait this masterpiece :)

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Giray » Tue 16 Apr 2019, 13:24

Dorrinda wrote:I have mixed feelings on the new game, will just have to wait and see.
I like the idea of merging servers, I see the number of players on line under 20 every day, at different times. I have also seen only 6 players online. These numbers are not good.

Pomysł z łączeniem serwerów niezły, jednak myślę, że warto by wprowadzić narodowe kanały czatu oprócz głównego.
Jest jeszcze jedno rozwiązanie - "transfer" postaci do nowej gry, czyli gracz zaczynałby nie od zera, z pewną ilością golda i wyższymi skillami.

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Hardsun » Tue 16 Apr 2019, 13:37

Many new servers make people spread a lot - i mean it might be bad for forming good large community on server. And when new players come and see 30 people online and often silent chat - that may make new guys to leave game before getting to like it.
Also BC speeind up killed a lot of good players who simply burned up too fast and left - i mean it might be good for short time monetization, but in same time it undercut overall amount of players in game and hurts game in long run. Not to mention it breaks the overall feel of game pace and makes achieving something ingame "worthless". In same time im ok with the account upgrades monetization scheme. But yet again - bigger community might let devs to have less "bad, but needed money milking schemes" ingame.

From my mmo expirience i would say strong ingame player relationships and community is what makes game live long life. (those dont have to be direct - inderect ones do as well - be that trade, bragging, achievements, competition itc). But for that the more players you got the better. Developers simply cant make new content same fast as players would be consuming it and need to look for options when players get entertained just doing mundane things and playing game.

Also someone mentioned "speed servers" - cmon guys, do you really want to get to "game over" faster instead of actually playing the game and enjoying the process for longer ? Its not like i want to make game artificially longer and i do like progressing, but...
What i like about TS - its complexity and a lot of things to do, while option to have semi-idle gameplay in same time. While we definetly could use more transparent info ingame on how things work - certain things still being mystery to me even after 2 years of playing :lol:
Also i would say try to make all areas of gamepley same deep - in TS combat feels much more simplified compared to crafting. While some bosses definetly being intresting to find a ways to kill them.

PS: btw no news on next TS update - any info on that ?

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby PHOENIX » Tue 16 Apr 2019, 14:42

Hardsun wrote:Many new servers make people spread a lot - i mean it might be bad for forming good large community on server. And when new players come and see 30 people online and often silent chat - that may make new guys to leave game before getting to like it.

I disagree. As an example : now many can leave the game, because there is nothing for their level in the market. And in chat is not always 100% answer you. And don't forget there are not few people (I personally know of seven) who are waiting for new servers.

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Hardsun » Tue 16 Apr 2019, 14:50

I can understand the urge for "new begining", especially for new players - but somehow it seems more like some vets want that and another thing - thats how we ended with 10 servers with 20-30 online on each. Instead of one server with lets say 500 online.
Probably wont change much for TS right now - but i hope for new game Virtys wont be separating game population like that.

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Anakreon » Tue 16 Apr 2019, 17:45

Good day.
The main problem of the game was a temporary delay in creating assignments.
I work DBA and I can look at the problems with the speed of the MS SQL server, if it interests you.
A preliminary analysis of delays and errors allows me to assume the version of the database on which the game works.
Letters through the coordinators had no feedback.
Ready to help with knowledge.
Ideas become a force when they seize the masses

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