Therian's Council 2020

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Therian's Council 2020

Postby Falkarma » Thu 12 Mar 2020, 14:33

Welcome to the Council!

In January we had an infrastructure optimization to save on servers cost. This optimization is starting to give us results, so it is now time to plan on what we are going to do with Therian Saga this year.

The first thing we want to clear out is that you must not expect new engine features for the game (like the guild's war, mobile version, etc.) but we can build on our current system to add gameplay elements. The second thing is that we are running the game with a partial team so it will be very hard for us to create a new territory. We are likely to work on small updates that have a very focused gameplay goal and, if possible, have new regions being worked on as a background task.

What we are expecting for today council is that you give us hints on what would be key gameplay elements that you would like to see in the game. These elements can be described somewhat like this:

  • We need a unit at X of skill Y because of this craft.
  • We need to be able to harvest X (I know you'll say Wingu).
  • The resource X is still useless we need something to do with it.
  • The skill X has a lower cap than the other, we would need a new recipe at Y.
  • Would be nice to have a challenge to build an X (mine) at difficulty Y.
  • New monster with X of combat skill Y would help us.
  • Between X and Y of the skill Z, it's far too hard to progress.
  • Where is our flying ship???

For us, that would be a first step to know what is the most needed/wanted by you. We expect to have this council running for a few weeks before taking any decision, so everyone will have the chance to speak.

Thank you for your time, and now we are listening.
Therian Saga

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Re: Therian's Council 2020

Postby Céline » Thu 12 Mar 2020, 15:42

\o/ Welcom back on the wonderful Therian Saga

Falkarma wrote:[*]We need to be able to harvest X (I know you'll say Wingu).
I've read some messages saying "we're ready for elicard."

But i'm ready for "majoris" (?). Or midoris (?). Well, like the minoris companions, but a little more powerful.
- 30 or 33, I'm not a specialist on "numbers" to be sure what we need to "change" consumables we use.
- same place to recruit them seems correct (labs), but maybe just in guild (absolulab) and not at home (laboratory)
- more time, more seals to recruit them, more defiance of course

And an old idea from testers : boats (like carts) to join some sites. Faster than "security mode" (Maliken/Norof) for exemple, less dangereous than Tarasquan (but with aqua-monsters). Cheaper to join special islands near Lanfar (for special resources like oceanite). Crafts on Shipyard of course). Shipyard on specific region only (wood + sea border = Loudthunder, Jotun etc). I know it's possible to define it for companions (T3 for exempl), not sure it's possible for crafts.
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Re: Therian's Council 2020

Postby Asakuri » Thu 12 Mar 2020, 15:58

Falkarma wrote:
  • Between X and Y of the skill Z, it's far too hard to progress.

First thing that comes to mind is the Swamp skill
It's a skill which is up only by combat, from 40 to 60 in the Turquoise Marsh or 63 in the Tarasquan.
The other possibility is to reach 58 Global Swamp to harvest nuerte logs in the Tarasquan, but before that..
Vous êtes des patates, vous n'existez pas... Vous êtes tous dans ma tête ! Sortez de là et laissez les voix tranquille.

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Re: Therian's Council 2020

Postby SERG » Thu 12 Mar 2020, 16:36

1. Чего легче всего добавить, так это того, что уже есть в игре, но не реализовано до конца:
- статуэтка Вууз;
- Печати Барониса, Герцинуса, Графиара, Принцении, Королвена, Имперуора, Вууз;
- функциональность Сети укрытий реализована частично;
- молоко или мед вроде пока не применяется, хотя добывается.

2. Истертые и поврежденные фрагменты артефактов востребованы не всеми и только на начальном этапе игры.
Потом это становится мусором.
Давайте научимся их обменивать хоть 1 к 100.

3. Сумка очень важна для хранения и поиска предметов.
Предлагаю добавить режим включить/выключить сетку с шагом, который может указывать игрок. По умолчанию - половина габарита в который вписываются иконки предметов.
При включенной сетке перемещаемые предметы привязываются к ней.

4. Нужен механизм поиска на складах гильдии, аналогично тому, который реализован для сумок игрока.

5. При добыче бывает сопутствующий ресурс (дрова к бревнам, песок к валунам, блок грималпура к глыбе грималпура).
Качество добывающего оборудования повышает шанс и даже количество добываемого ресурса. Основного ресурса.
На блоки грималпура это не сказывается. Это неправильно. Конечно взять и вместо 10% сделать 40% тоже будет неверно.
Давайте у станка не будем учитывать 40 едениц производительности, а остальное (свыше 40) будет влиять на шанс добычи.

6. Дрова получаем как бонус к бревнам и то не ко всем.
А когда пилим доски дров увы нету. Это нелогично, признайте.
Давайте при распиле досок тоже генерировать дрова, а при обточке валунов - песок.
Пусть не много, хоть 1 бревно и 1 кучку песка, зато игра стане чуточку ближе к реалиям жизни.

7. Отличная обнова была - фамильяры (питомцы).
Давайте добавим фамильяров второго уровня (+2 к навыкам). Можно не перерисовывать, оставить как есть или поменять цветовую гамму.
Добавим фамильяров боевых, защитных.

8. Грималпур как побочный продукт при добыче глыб - это классная идея.
Молодцы! Игрок и для гильдии старается и для себя.
Давайте внедрим аналогичные механизмы шире и чаще.

9. Раньше, в другой ветке я предлагал внедрить железную дорогу, как механизм совместного выгодного сотрудничества и частично соревнования между гильдиями.
Перевозка громоздка и трудоемка.
Построим вокзалы, железные дороги и будем платить за перевозку наших грузов.
Это освободит персонажей, ускорит перемещение, а часть платы за перевозку будут распределяться между гильдиями в пропорциях участия в строительстве железной дороги (паи).

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Re: Therian's Council 2020

Postby SERG » Thu 12 Mar 2020, 17:03

Думаю это легко реализовать:
1. При получении фамильяра есть ограничение - последующие действия нельзя назначить.
Почему? Чему это мешает? Как это влияет? Это не бой, участие игрока не требуется.
Давайте снимем это непонятное ограничение. А то 9 раз по 2 часа - процесс затягивается и становится не играбельным а тягомотным.
Может и в других местах и при других обстоятельствах можно это ограничение снять?

2. Большинство фамильяров живут не в локациях.
Что если сначала обойти места их пребывания, поставить постоянный лагерь и потом назначить серию задач:
- иди к лагерю,
- возьми фамильяра,
- иди к следующему лагерю
- возьми фамильяра,
и т.д.
Вроде как есть босс, который тоже привязан к точке на карте без локации.
Начать воевать с ним можно только когда придешь на это место.
Постоянный лагерь нужен для того, чтобы он помнил кто там обитает, кто был обнаружен при последнем посещении персонажем.

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Re: Therian's Council 2020

Postby krammark1 » Thu 12 Mar 2020, 17:27

2 things come to mind, maybe it has been said in Russian but I speak njet Russian

1. Horticulture skill is very limited and has Jutug with 40 as its highest task
now the game guide says wingu at 65, but that is not implemented and even if it will be the gap between those 2 is huge
Olkznar is beating Wingu in forest, Wingu is the best in snow/mountains, so maybe a new specialized bundle of something for swamp (I saw that mentioned earlier) or hills maybe?
another alternative thats a bit more extensive is making purer versions of each bundle type, giving +2 skill compared to the original

2. There are some achievements unachievable because of the lack of products
things that I remember are dead Ayran and dead Wyvern that are impossible to get ingame, maybe those can be implemented at some point

3. as of right now, pierce weapons are by far the best in the game, maybe switch it op with better options for blunt and slash as well
not too much of a fighter, so I didnt think this one through yet but Im just throwing it out there

4. there are 2 holiday quests at the end of the year, would have like an egg hunting quest for Easter at some point

5. make hulbergor ingot and massilan fabric available at candy store maybe? - for higher amounts of candy that are not available after just 2 rounds of holiday quest, would work well if more holiday quests were available during the year so a 1 year reward of candy would be enough to get 1 of those 2

^thats a bit more than 2, maybe I will come back when I find something else

6. Something that I've been doing is telling all new players that they can store companions in concessions. Maybe make an ingame message (like giving cookies first time you run out of energy) when you reach 4 companions the first time that gives detailed info about how to set up a concession and store companions.

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Re: Therian's Council 2020

Postby cuentista » Thu 12 Mar 2020, 18:19

1. Elicard - For return old players
2. The product on the market longer than 1 week or re-up
3. New dungeon; before Behemoth or like them - because now farm is useless for beginners
4. New abilities for BC, like new familiars - because nowhere spend it.
5. More guild buildings and more production like grimalpur. Maybe Elicard.
6. Rebalance kryanbor ingot - because it`s absolutely useless
7. Fish, food not using - because it`s needed only once. Maybe heal potions for companions.
8. Guild buildings only for Tarasquan. Like stadium.
9. Runic armor and more runic weapons
10. More daily tasks with barter like demon bones for meat
P.S. New kickstarter compaign for big updates.

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Re: Therian's Council 2020

Postby Maru » Thu 12 Mar 2020, 18:21

Thank you for listening to us :)
We discussed some ideas at the german server, here they are: most interesting were new professions. It should stop old players from leaving and it should revive the market :)

1. rune-upgrade system, like 10 activated 80-runes for 1 activated 99-rune!!!
2. New professions:
1)Enchanting = Weapon-, Armor-, and Tool-upgrade-system (using plants(or gems), substances and foggy pearls to create something like balms, max. upgrade +5).
2) Conjuring/Summoning: Create Combat Companions (metal-, stone- and wood-golems) from materials (stone, metall or wood + meat + bones + foggy pearls), stats depend on materials. Metal is good at slash, Stone at blunt and Wood at pierce. The best ones should be better than boar and yormund.
3) Elementarism= creating custom new super-materials (like glowing ingot = some metal-ingot + foggy pearls+substance), generating 3 new materials for metal, wood and stone.
3. runic-armor (leather+bones+scales+plates+ornaments+rune=cool looking ultimate armor), the max stats should be around 80-85, recipes acquired after a quest where you beat a strong boss or a guild festival :) something like this:

Edit: To learn the new professions you need access to Palace of Elements, high alchemy and metascience and many rare substances. The first companion (T2 could be recruited at the palace of elements after learning the professions. T3 companion can be acquired for foggy pearls. T4 companion can be acquired after you learned the professions if you have the T3 companion, "Falconers acknowledgement",all wings and leadership of 65-68. The gems are already ingame, then we need a new potion, for tools I'd propose to combine all three professions in 1 tool (some kind of enchanter's book, made of fabric and ancient tablets). At start I think we don't need a new building, just add a new site at the palace of elements that gives a small bonus. The recipes for Tool and Potion and also the first recipes for the professions are learned at the palace of elements, the rest of the recipes should be learnt by crafting. Also it would be nice to make the foggy pearls tradeable.

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Re: Therian's Council 2020

Postby Ambrielle » Thu 12 Mar 2020, 23:05

Where is our flying ship? :mrgreen:

Non-combat way to get demonic bones.
Non-comabt way to gather Volcanite lumps
even if both of the above a trade-ins like the wingu trade.

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Re: Therian's Council 2020

Postby krammark1 » Thu 12 Mar 2020, 23:37

why flies have the most volcanite I do not understand :S
I totally agree on an option to get volcanite through extracting, or maybe trade in from an extractor because its too dangerous to go in yourself
in the last case, it would have to be in a dungeon, maybe through a repeatable quest with a 3-4 day cooldown or something
or just a simple turn in like family rep with similar cooldown (we had the discussion on Discord about how hard quest programming is)

Flying ship, I prefer Areal skill to be implemented and trained to the point that its possible to fly with "harder" companions, like Hipporage

going back to the demonic bones maybe make a commerce option for it in the 50-60 range
and I would like to see some Scarezen bones in it as well, Scarezen itself is hardly dropping any and there is not really another option
other than the one trade thing in Sword Cape, which maybe can be changed from trade in to commerce task?

Im notice Im combining a lot of things at once now…
1. I would like an option in commerce between 44-65
2. adding demonic bones and Scarezen bones in a commerce task
3. Sword cape trade ins (other than wingu, which is nice) are underused, if used at all

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Re: Therian's Council 2020

Postby nightfly » Thu 12 Mar 2020, 23:43

-> Potions for companions. I liked the idea someone said above about using fish for them.

-> Please make the sound for opening the chest quieter!

-> Is it possible to make the sound volume adjustable?

Thank you!
I love this game.

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Re: Therian's Council 2020

Postby Cordelia » Fri 13 Mar 2020, 00:09

1. Let the reputations War/Shadow/Glory/Aristocracy have some in-game effects apart from access to the Norstria shops.

For example, War could increase the rate of random encounters on the world map; Shadow could reduce it. Or reputation could change the rate at which different types of companion can be recruited, by acting as a presence modifier.

2. Potions (or something similar) that give a temporary magic buff to consumable strength.

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Re: Therian's Council 2020

Postby Zelgadis » Fri 13 Mar 2020, 00:31

Two things that could be amazing for combat:

1) introducing two-weapon fighting: with the dual weapon you can do one more attack at the cost of the shield defense and the chance to hit should be slightly lower.

2) A true range attack: bows and crossbows could give a first attack before the meele begins.

A new kickstarter campaign as suggested by others is also a good idea.
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Re: Therian's Council 2020

Postby SERG » Fri 13 Mar 2020, 12:38

Хочется, чтобы игра была ближе к реальной жизни.
Чуточку ближе чем сейчас.
В жизни, если кто-то хорошо (очень хорошо, превосходно) овладевает каким либо умением, то это дает дополнительные бонусы а не только умение делать то, что ещё пока не все умеют.
Эти люди, мастера своего дела, умеют делать свое дело качественнее и быстрее.
В игре качество упрощено сильно. Все делают изделия одинакового качества.
Единственное, что можно улучшить с повышением прокачки героя, это увеличить вероятность добычи предметов, которые добываются не со 100% вероятностью.
А теперь на счет "быстрее".
В игре это стандартизировано и похоже на незыблемое правило - все делают с одинаковой скоростью.
Давайте это поменяем совсем незначительно.
Допустим только после 40-ого уровня и при условии наличия золотого крыла, затраты времени и энергии на производство будут уменьшаться на 5% за каждые 10 уровней, сверх 40-ого.
Пример: с 40 по 49 уровень -5%, с 50 по 59 уровень - 10%, ....
Это послужит стимулом прокачивать персонажа не просто до уровня, позволяющего ему делать некую задачу (допустим добывать ресурс), но и качать персонажа дальше, до предела возможностей чтобы повысить его эффективность (производительность).

Если это предложение найдет поддержку, тогда можно эту идею применить и к другой сфере деятельности персонажа - сон.
Сон может быть чуточку короче и зависеть не от одного навыка, а от среднего значения всех навыков (кроме боевых и защитных).
Если среднее значение всех навыков 40 единиц, тогда сон на 5% короче и с каждым ростом среднего навыка на 10 единиц будет падать на 5%.
Это будет стимулировать прокачивать персонажа во всех направлениях.
Извиняюсь что пишу на русском языке, других языков я не знаю в должной мере. Пользуюсь переводчиком браузера. Это можно принять за совет.
Считаю что будет правильным если разработчики в конце выскажут свое мнение по поводу наших предложений.
Игра крутая и стала ещё круче с найтклиентом!

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Re: Therian's Council 2020

Postby mazareth » Fri 13 Mar 2020, 12:39

Pourrait on faire un panier de vente.
En gros ca ouvre une fenêtre on peut tout déposer dedans en vrac.
(rapidement comme dans un domaine)
ca fait un prix total en bas, on vend et zou.
ca vous fait qu'un accès serveur pour le calcul d'or.

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Re: Therian's Council 2020

Postby krammark1 » Fri 13 Mar 2020, 13:18

I'm back!

I just remembered another Idea

1. lots of meats and fish have no use in this game
2. companions can not be healed after a fight (other than sleep it off, sleep it off)

why not make a cooking skill that cooks the meat/fish and feed them to companions for a small health boost?
I would suggest meats for tamed companions and fish for people, but I can see a bear eat fish
don't let them stick to 1 diet, maybe give them 3-5 food options they can eat for healing from low level to higher level, for example sheep for +5 health up to catoblepass meat for +25 health

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Re: Therian's Council 2020

Postby Vincent » Fri 13 Mar 2020, 16:39

Create a City State on the coast in Parakonia with these features:

1. It is as large as an entire territory because it is a territory. As a background use a light shadowy image of a giant city.

2. It has four quarters to it. Each quarter has a different level of urban environment. Put places to visit in each quarter using the basic idea you used in cities like City of Hawkoria, Halmvik and Maliken Harbor.

3. Sewers. a) Each Quarter has a sewer system. Unknown to the city inhabitants they are filled with undead and other vile creatures about to burst out into each quarter to take over. b) The leader of this undead and vile creature invasion could be Charoa Carao, Strange Druid who is first met in the Marauders Kingdom of Noworry Mountains. c) The questine for this invasion and whatever else comes with it would not be able to be done without first meeting Charoa in Marauders Kingdom and completing the quest associated. d) Jacomo has to be in your party in order to find this sewers adventure which when it is all over he regains a positive reputation in Parakonia.

4. In one of the quarters of the city state you find an open patch of land where a guild may put up a domain. Urban would be the land stat to overcome in putting it up. Same for a private home. Make available some nice useful resources for both the private home and the guild domain.

5. Gates: Each quarter has a gate that leads into it: 3 by land and one by sea. (Maybe one by air?)

6. Somewhere in this city state you can get an airship.

7. There are a lot of other things that could be in this city state and lots of possible quests.

8, Develop this area bit by bit much like you have developed Grimaldez so far.

Thanks for listening. I hope Therian Saga is around for a long long time.

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Re: Therian's Council 2020

Postby krammark1 » Fri 13 Mar 2020, 19:21

I like the idea of a new region, and also something with Urban land skill for building requirements

I do have a question about it, because I cant visualize the whole picture
you want the whole area to be urbanized, and people walking all over it but only have a small area available for domain/concession?
right now you can put your domain/concession on top of a location if you're not careful so how exactly do you picture this?
do you want them to really change the core of the map by making it inaccessible for building?

my idea would be more like a dungeon style, selecting next for the next part of town, and once you reach the middle of the 4 quadrants you can place a domain/concession or something
I can imagine commerce/spying resulting in some new materials, but what materials would you be able to gather in an Urban area? Plants?
can't imagine a mine or quarry because that would destabalize the city.

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Re: Therian's Council 2020

Postby Céline » Fri 13 Mar 2020, 20:22

Le mot de la modération.

Certains messages ont été supprimés, d'autres écourtés.

1. Ce n'est pas un lieu de débat pour les idées (question de garder le sujet clair pour les développeurs).
Si vous voulez débattre d'une idée, libre à vous d'ouvrir un sujet dans la partie de forum de la langue dans laquelle vous voulez vous exprimer.

2. Ce forum est la partie "International" du forum. Chacun est libre de s'exprimer dans la langue du jeu avec laquelle il est le plus à l'aise, ou en Anglais ou en Français pour être plus facilement compris par les développeurs. Si certains trouvent qu'il y a trop de Russe ou d'Anglais, libre à eux de venir équilibrer les choses en proposant des idées en Français.
Oui, il est possible que des idées soient les mêmes du coup. Ce n'est pas grave.

3. Le premier message annonce clairement qu'aucun nouveau mécanisme ne sera mis en place. Même s'il est compréhensible que la limite peut vous sembler floue par moment, dans d'autres cas, il est évident que l'idée nécessite un nouveau mécanisme. Il n'est par exemple pas question d'installer des bâtiments de guilde dans une ville. Ces messages n'ont pas été supprimés, mais ces idées ne seront pas mises en jeu.

ENGLISH VERSION - Some words from the moderation team

Some messages have been deleted, others have been shortened.

1. This is not the place to debate ideas (Let's keep this topic clear for the devs).
If you want to discuss an idea, feel free to open a new thread in the forum section of your language of choice.

2. This forum is the "International" part of the forum. Everyone is free to express themselves in the language of the game they are comfortable with, or in English or French to be more easily understood by the developers. If some find that there are too many Russian or English, they are free to come and balance things by proposing ideas in French.
Yes, it is possible that many ideas will be the same or similar and we have no problems with that.

3. The first message clearly states that no new engine features will be added. While it is understandable that the boundary may seem blurred at times, in other cases, it is obvious that the idea requires a new mechanism. There is no question, for example, of installing guild buildings in a city. These messages have not been deleted, but these ideas will not be brought into play.
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Re: Therian's Council 2020

Postby G0KU » Fri 13 Mar 2020, 21:42


premièrement, merci Céline pour cette précision. Pour ma part, je préfère de loin la récolte/craft que le combat. Je souhaiterais donc une façon d'obtenir certaines ressources autre que via le combat.

- Volcanite
- Hulbergor
- Élicarde, Soletto
- Wingu, Massilian, Cuir nocturiel
- Os démonique
- Aïranne et Wyvern toujours pas en jeu ?

J'en oublis possiblement mais ce sont quelques ressources que j'aimerais bien pouvoir obtenir [plus facilement]. :-)
Merci de demander l'opinion des joueurs. Je trouve ça super !

P.S. Ça fait longtemps aussi que je me dis que ce serait bien un bâtiment de guilde pour la chasse et botanique. ;)

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