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Re: Therian's Council 2020

Posted: Thu 19 Mar 2020, 06:15
by shanka
Falkarma wrote:We need to be able to harvest X (I know you'll say Wingu).

Yes :D

Falkarma wrote:The resource X is still useless we need something to do with it.

Unless I miss the way to get the recipe to make fabric, wingu and solardran fibers are useless so I will put in the game the two recipes for wingu and solardran fabric or maybe a new kind of fabric that needs those fiber (one or both) to be made.

Fishes are almost useless, my suggestion is a new agreements producer "guild white wine party" (something like rhumbular party) where guild member eat fish instead of flesh :D (with obscure agreements too)

Re: Therian's Council 2020

Posted: Thu 19 Mar 2020, 08:11
by piorun
Beaucoup de choses très intéressantes ont été écrites
Une petite suggestion pour ma part, pour ceux qui achètent des écus via la boutique (c'est ce qui fait vivre Virtys :) ), Un lot de ressources rares (type wingu, galandor, elicarde, ....) pourrait être offert au prorata de la somme dépensée.

longue vie à TS :mrgreen:

Re: Therian's Council 2020

Posted: Fri 20 Mar 2020, 07:47
by Rabe
Its maybe hard, but not impossible to create new locations, new quests etc. (south of grimaldaz still a lot of unused territory). The most "old" players
have nothing more to find out. And special this makes the game interesting. Why should I spend money if I work only on new clothes, new buildings or others ???
To bring new players inside (maybe too with fresh money) reduce the times (collecting resources, building, working on products etc.) coz many gamers play action/fighting games and boring here.
Its also very very heavy and if you not special like TS to skill. Only as example and fiction: you need for a quest swamp 65 but the highest swamp on map is 45. All in all make the game more "liquid" to animate new players and new money.

Re: Therian's Council 2020

Posted: Fri 20 Mar 2020, 23:49
by infael
1) Make swamp easier to skill up
2) there's a huge gap in piercing weapons. Please fill that gap.

Re: Therian's Council 2020

Posted: Sat 21 Mar 2020, 08:53
by Einar
If companion has skill let him gahter resources from big treas and Cry pieces, monolith this will help a lot

Re: Therian's Council 2020

Posted: Sat 21 Mar 2020, 22:48
by Rufio_again
Some of these are really nice ideas - I like Maru's new midoris/majoris companions, and the idea of using meat/fish to make potions for companions. We absolutely need a bridging horticulture task before wingu fibre harvesting can come out. Potions to boost strength (i.e. overcome material resistances). Some of the proposals seem based around making difficult tasks easier or slow tasks faster though, which I think fails to appreciate how much effort you guys have put into balancing, but I agree Norstrian family reps could be faster. ;)

Volcanite mine, I guess, for completeness, but it would be nice if this involved something more exciting than grinding mats somehow.

I imagine the wingu airships thing was a joke, but why not? An "airship crash" event like “To The North”: you come across a crashed airship, you're asked to find X wingu (or solardran, or whatever) and some rare wood, then help make the repairs using woodworking/sewing/alchemy, and that gives you an airship ticket that allows you to access a hipporiel-like network of sites with rapid transportation between them. Nice easy way of implementing a toned-down version of something that was planned from the start without adding additional mechanisms or skills.

Re: Therian's Council 2020

Posted: Sun 22 Mar 2020, 12:37
by Grendal
Ok, so not sure if it has been said, and even if doable for you at this time, but food and harvest fabric.
So stuff like eggs, apples, meat, wheat, make food which will heal and give energy, not just the players, but comps has well, so along with potions and tonic cookies (which only effect the player) you can partically heal all comps by eating food cooked either at home or Guild, or a decent settlement, and this includes fish. Some meat is all but worthless once your taming skill has gone up, and some meat there is not much need for, eg, sheep and bunny. And with fish, unless it is for Guild work, not much point except upping the hunting skill.
Second, a leather/fabric hybrid for clothing, not talking armour here, but just something to use up all the fabric and leather at once. Now granted I am still in Lanfar, so not sure if you can already do these things, but at an early point in the game, in Hawk, would be ideal, for new players to better save themselves and skill up without having to join a Guild. And maybe a plant/fabric/food from the swamp (just to help up Hort skill) called rice or somesuch, which could be used has food, and to make material.

Re: Therian's Council 2020

Posted: Sun 22 Mar 2020, 16:20
by Maru
A few years ago I had an idea about new armors. Could be interesting:

Re: Therian's Council 2020

Posted: Mon 23 Mar 2020, 18:56
by Gilligan

i hope that my suggestions have not been posted before (haven't read everything 8-) )

My proposals concern Runism and Archeology.

1) The low tier runes and rune fragments are quite useless and rotting in the inventory.
It would be nice to have a guild building with which you can " refine " Runes and Rune Fragments (e.g. sacrifice a certain amount of Runes or Rune Fragments to obtain one or a few of better quality). This way the components would also have a trading value.

2) It would be nice if there was a shop or NPC where you can trade your Artifacts Notes for high quality Effiges and Lockets (let it be 20.000 or more for a Emperator part, because i have plenty of them after almost a year of being unsuccessful to get the Locket (very frustrating :x )).

Thanks a lot for your efforts ;)

Re: Therian's Council 2020

Posted: Mon 23 Mar 2020, 23:29
by Baduk
Un truc qui selon moi mériterais un correctif , est le taux de récolte des perles a la bibliothèque en ruine.De tout temps on entend des commentaires sur ca en jeu.
En rien motivant pour de nouveaux joueurs espérant l'obtention de leur Guerrier Fauve, pour leur faciliter un peu la vie.Et pour avoir du y passer ces derniers jours , utiliser plus d e potions de soins que le nombre de perles récoltées , ca démotive pas mal.

Re: Therian's Council 2020

Posted: Tue 24 Mar 2020, 11:25
by Perviy
We need a new sword! and may be a new club
top bow - 81
top sword - 54
top club - 64

Re: Therian's Council 2020

Posted: Tue 24 Mar 2020, 12:22
by krammark1
I have been playing the game for like 5 years now, but still everytime I login it says "Newcomer"
could you do something about that?
could be something with time of the account, ingame time

another option would be a ranking system based on skill levels, gain a rank per 100 total levels
or based on achievements…

speaking of which, achievements don't have any rewards which makes them a bit useless
would be nice if there was more of a reason to go after them

Re: Therian's Council 2020

Posted: Tue 24 Mar 2020, 13:52
by Anastasis
SVP augmenter les chances de trouver du grimalpur lorsqu'on taille un rocher de grimalroc.
10% c'est vraiment trop difficile

Re: Therian's Council 2020

Posted: Wed 25 Mar 2020, 07:30
by Agastia
Maybe my suggestion is strange:
1. Do you create a quest chain to make the guild build an auction house (market) once the palace is obtained? To make this more fun it should be possible once the palace is built (the idea is that something of this magnitude is especially difficult to build, but that once the plans are obtained it can be built as a building and that it is expensive)

2. You have an The Betanesque inn at 62, 208 in Hawkoria. Why not release it for all players? Many people who played the beta phase are no longer connecting now, and that inn is abandoned. It would be of great help to new players due to the learning curve of the game. In addition, many players who arrive after the beta phase will never know what it is to sleep and have fun at that inn. :(

3. An update on the flight routes with the Hiporiel / Alarcel to paraconnia and grimaldaz.

4. Financing: you should sell the princania, rolor and emperor packages again. The purpose of this is that in the package they give us access to those followers who were exclusive at that time. Some players are eager to have those followers. Note: if you decide to sell them please let us know a couple of weeks in advance. I personally am interested in the emperor package.

5. give more uses to fish. they have a lot of potential. for example they can be used to make a tournament, where the reward has to be exchanged for certain fish (vulcanite or wingu xD)

6. Revive the fighting system that is in the city of Hawkoria. When you take the first combat match against the player it asks you for a certain score, I have fought many times and won and my score is not updated. The sand has a lot of potential.

7. Use the statistics of "Accommodation" in the guilds:
Upgrade to mansions to 10 points instead of 5. And for every 50 accommodation points in your guild, you can host an extra member without a castle or palace.

8. The towers, roads and tunnels of the guilds have statistics that are not useful until today, apart from "transport". For example, if you move between two domains where there is a certain level of security (by roads or towers between both domains), you will not be attacked at all, unless you move outside the domain.

9. Generating more ways to acquire gold through tasks, getting 25k to buy armor is hard. Place a task that gives you 10 gold per hour per profession, but that is especially difficult to perform

These are all my ideas at the moment, I am aware that some of them could be impractical, but I think they could make the game more alive in different aspects. regards :D

Re: Therian's Council 2020

Posted: Wed 25 Mar 2020, 10:14
by Eogwal

C'est bien cela de vous envoyer des idées, cependant qu'en est-il de toutes celles envoyées déjà deux fois auparavant ? et que pensez vous de tout ce qui est dit car nous n'avons, malheureusement aucun retour. De plus pas mal de point évoqués ici sont proches voir identiques à ceux évoqués par le passé.

Quid de la transformation des idées en actes et quelles idées pour quels propositions de votre part ?

Re: Therian's Council 2020

Posted: Wed 25 Mar 2020, 19:36
by Patrope
Here are some ideas I shared with Virtys a while back:

* Put in some reason to develop the forgotten skills like breeding and horticulture; metascience, tanning, taming, and even spying are also a bit neglected at the high level. New fibers and/or leather would be one option. I think it would be cool if breeding actually allowed you to get a companion that was worth using -- not necessarily for combat perhaps, but maybe one that offered the highest level companion in some skill? Likewise it would be nice if there was something high-level to tame, that became a companion for some other skill. There could be some interesting connections between breeding and metascience.
* Quests that require a certain matched outfit (or if that's not possible under the game mechanics, a high reputation score in some area) to complete along the path to development of some other skill. Or a use for the fancy dyes, along the same lines.
* Maybe hulbergor takes alchemy to produce? With inputs not just from the metal track (either herbal or stone/gem)?
* Some recipe or quest that requires us to stretch in terms of the strength stat. What's the maximum thermal/mechanical/assembly strength that can be reached? I've never had to come close to it. This is an aspect that could be explored more.
* Areas that require various skill checks to access, like in the Landel dungeons.
* The more cross-skill dependencies, the better! Metascience to produce materials for spying? Horticulture for herbalism, or for wood? Breeding for tanning? Taming for alchemy?

Re: Therian's Council 2020

Posted: Wed 25 Mar 2020, 21:51
by Maru
-Add new Boss in Grimaldaz, a strong Dragon ( Drops sometimes Massilan-fibers, "Dragon-Eggs" (Substances) and dragon-bones(better than demonic). You can combine the new boss with a really short quest, at the end of the quest you get the recipe for hubelgor (10xGalandor+10xKryanbor+2x"Dragon-Egg")(metascience or alchemy). The boss dragon should be as strong as Iriza, maybe a little stronger.
- At a bestiarium in Grimaldaz you can breed a new companion, a young Dragon To get him you need 20 Dragon-Eggs. The Young Dragon should have very high breeding-, woodcutting-(60-75) and archeology-skill(75-90). Also add recipe for Elicard-Planks and new archeology books for better bookcase(77). So we will get access to 99-runes and elicard.
-at the bestiarium you get a new task for Breeding. If you got your young dragon you can produce the dragon eggs. Each action costs you a lot of meat and fish, and produces 1x"Dragon-Egg". Sometimes you get "broken Dragon-Egg-Shell"(Substance), you can use it in combination with Hubelgor to create Dragon-Plates(metascience or alchemy) for better high-end armors (black colour?). You can get the recipe after a guild festival at the palace.
- Implement a new (guild-)building, Dragon-Master-Academy, where you can add a dragon to your other companions ( cerry(90 blunt), yraen(90 slash) and rowana(90 pierce)) "replacing" them with strong dragon-masters ( needs high taming and breeding skills, a lot of meat and fish, 40 Dragon-eggs and maybe an item like the "Falconers acknowledgement") . Also you can use the Academy as a guild arena where you can fight against 3 Dragons(80 blunt, 80 slash, 80 pierce like the other guild arenas) For design of the new Dragon-Masters and their dragons you could make a small one-week comunity-contest, where the players show you their design, and the best ones win :)

Minor changes(not very important):
- please change the poison-production-rate from 1 to 4.
- add a new much stronger runic sword (metal+substance+rune), lets call it draconic-longsword . Recipe also after guild-festival.
- add a new boss-necklace, equivalent to emperor-amulet that gives +5 (or more) to combat skills, for the frustrated players who try for years to get the amulet.
- make wingus harvestable
- add recipes for wingus and massilan
- change hiporiel from person to animal

Sounds like a lot of fun if you ask me :) Dragons fit very well with therian-saga. Meat and Fish get a new reason to be gathered, may be good for market. Fighters get a new boss, companion and armor. Crafters get new materials. A new guild festival and building for the guild. Breeding and hunting isn't useless anymore. Old players may return and won't leave for a while. The players will be busy for a long time. Shouldn`t be too hard to implement since there are no new game mechanics and almost nothing to translate so that even with a small team you should have no problems :)

BC sells will skyrocket=more money for your projects!!!
Everyone is happy :)

Forget my other ideas, take this one :D

Re: Therian's Council 2020

Posted: Thu 26 Mar 2020, 18:37
by Maru
Dear devs,
it's been two weeks since the council started sharing his ideas. Give us a feedback. What do you think about the ideas?

Re: Therian's Council 2020

Posted: Thu 26 Mar 2020, 21:47
by Céline
We will probably have to wait until next week for the team's first reactions.

Bonjour !
Il faudra probablement attendre la semaine prochaine pour avoir les premières réactions de l'équipe.

Re: Therian's Council 2020

Posted: Fri 27 Mar 2020, 00:55
by krammark1
one more useless item that hasnt been mentioned before: Vuuz statuette
it always feels disappointing when you are looking for runes or fragments, and that useless statuette comes up

either remove it and increase the rates of the useful items (even if its by 0.01% for 80s runes)
or give them some use, like enchanting 5 lower tier runes + vuuz statuette(s) to get +1 tier (like 60s to 70s, or 70s to 80s)
or just add an idol like all the others, not that original though ;-)