Some news from Virtys!

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Hardsun » Fri 10 May 2019, 13:19

New Virtys's game better be good :lol: But somehow i feel we wont see that for at least 1 year more.
As for TS - would be nice just to see if we getting any updates at all in future and if yes - some overall details about what it might be.
And if not - would be fair if devs would just say "we are buzy developing new game, sorry guys cant do both in same time".

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Céline » Fri 10 May 2019, 19:00

angryplayer wrote:I friend most new players and watch them over time stop logging in.

You don't "friend most new players". Just some of them.
Some players never speaks on Global, some players are never online when you are.

@Haunted : I'm the Queen of my life, that's enough :lol: . I'm mostly a player (since January 2014) and a volunteer for some specific things for Therian Saga (test, support and the trolls slayer of the forum Image). And when players ask questions, I give them an answer if I can.

@Hardsun : yes, we'll get updates for TS ;)

@Rufio : ♥
(angryplayers euhh people always do more noice than happy one ;) )
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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Cloudigger » Fri 10 May 2019, 19:04

Hardsun wrote:New Virtys's game better be good :lol: But somehow i feel we wont see that for at least 1 year more.
As for TS - would be nice just to see if we getting any updates at all in future and if yes - some overall details about what it might be.
And if not - would be fair if devs would just say "we are buzy developing new game, sorry guys cant do both in same time".

Yes you will have some updates .. but I can't tell you any details for now... but it is in our plans to do some update once in a while. It is also in our plans to find one or two new designers for Therian Saga. I understand you all have questions, but for now it is all we we can say. As soon as we will be able to tell you more, we will. Thank you for your understanding.

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Hardsun » Sat 11 May 2019, 00:47

Céline wrote:and the trolls slayer of the forum Image)

Run, fools ! :lol:

@Cloudigger, Celine - thanks for confirming on TS updates. Cant say i would not want more info, but its better then silence :)

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Tugarnix » Mon 13 May 2019, 13:05

Wenn Sie Ihre Entscheidung nicht überdenken, wird es dieses Spiel 2022 nicht mehr geben.
Sie machen die gleichen dummen Fehler, wie hunderte Software-Firmen vor Ihnen. (Lernen Sie z.B. von Oracle, wie es richtig geht.)

Wenn Sie das Spiel retten wollen:
1) Denken Sie langfristig
2) Öffnen Sie keine neuen Server
3) Verzichten Sie auf das Copyright und wandeln sie Lizenz in Open Source um
4) Korrigieren Sie die Bugs
5) Beziehen Sie die Commutity mit ein.

automatic translation
Si vous ne revenez pas sur votre décision, il n'y aura plus de jeu en 2022.
Ils commettent les mêmes erreurs stupides que des centaines de sociétés de logiciels devant vous. (Apprenez d’Oracle, par exemple, comment le faire correctement.)

Si vous voulez sauvegarder le jeu:
1) penser à long terme
2) Ne pas ouvrir de nouveaux serveurs
3) Renoncer aux droits d'auteur et convertir la licence en source ouverte
4) Corrige les bugs
5) Inclure la commutité.

If you do not reconsider your decision, there will not be this game in 2022 anymore.
They make the same stupid mistakes as hundreds of software companies in front of you. (Learn from Oracle, for example, how to do it right.)

If you want to save the game:
1) Think long term
2) Do not open new servers
3) Renounce the copyright and convert license into open source
4) Correct the bugs
5) Include the commutity.

Si no reconsidera su decisión, ya no habrá este juego en 2022.
Cometen los mismos errores estúpidos que cientos de compañías de software frente a ti. (Aprenda de Oracle, por ejemplo, cómo hacerlo bien).

Si quieres guardar el juego:
1) pensar a largo plazo
2) No abrir nuevos servidores
3) Renunciar a los derechos de autor y convertir la licencia en código abierto.
4) corregir los errores
5) Incluir la conmutación.

Jeśli nie rozważysz ponownie swojej decyzji, nie będzie już tej gry w 2022 roku.
Robią te same głupie błędy, co setki firm produkujących oprogramowanie. (Dowiedz się na przykład z Oracle, jak to zrobić prawidłowo).

Jeśli chcesz zapisać grę:
1) Myśl długoterminowo
2) Nie otwieraj nowych serwerów
3) Odrzuć prawa autorskie i przekonwertuj licencję na open source
4) Popraw błędy
5) Włącz komutację.

Если вы не пересмотрите свое решение, этой игры больше не будет в 2022 году.
Они делают те же самые глупые ошибки, что и сотни компаний-разработчиков программного обеспечения. (Узнайте, например, из Oracle, как это сделать правильно.)

Если вы хотите сохранить игру:
1) Подумайте надолго
2) Не открывать новые серверы
3) отказаться от авторских прав и конвертировать лицензию в открытый исходный код
4) Исправьте ошибки
5) Включите проезд.

Se non riconsideri la tua decisione, non ci sarà più questo gioco nel 2022.
Fanno gli stessi stupidi errori di centinaia di aziende di software di fronte a te. (Impara da Oracle, ad esempio, come farlo nel modo giusto.)

Se vuoi salvare il gioco:
1) Pensa a lungo termine
2) Non aprire nuovi server
3) Rinuncia al copyright e converti la licenza in open source
4) Correggere i bug
5) Includere la commutità.

Kararınızı tekrar gözden geçirmezseniz, 2022'de artık bu oyun olmayacak.
Önünde yüzlerce yazılım firmasıyla aynı aptalca hataları yapıyorlar. (Oracle’dan, örneğin nasıl doğru yapılacağını öğrenin.)

Oyunu kaydetmek istiyorsanız:
1) Uzun vadeli düşünün
2) Yeni sunucular açmayın
3) Telif hakkından vazgeçin ve lisansı açık kaynağa dönüştürün
4) Hataları düzeltin
5) Topluluğu dahil et.

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby nobukita » Mon 13 May 2019, 13:29

Heureusement qu'il y a des joueurs impliqués comme toi Tugarnix ! :lol: J'ai failli croire que les trolls avaient désertés le forum. Bravo pour l'idée de la traduction mal fichue dans toutes les langues. Ca prend de la place, ça te donne de la présence, en volume en tous cas. Si en plus du mode d'emploi pour sauver le jeu tu as sous la main celui de ma nouvelle tondeuse à gazon électronique, cela me ferait fort plaisir que tu partages ton savoir. Mais peut-être pas ici.

Mais leur dire d'inclure la communauté, c'est minable par contre. Ils le font bien plus que la plupart des autres.

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Tugarnix » Mon 13 May 2019, 13:56

The idea of automatic translation ist from Céline.

Céline wrote:And it's not so hard to write in English (even a Google-Translate is better than Russian here) ;)

... und nein auf Schleimspuren (wie von nobukita) kommt man nicht voran, da rutscht man nur aus.
... and no on mucus trail (as like from nobukita) you can't walk, because you slip out only.

... when i came online today in the afternoon, it was "7 player online" ... 4 years ago in same time there was 140 player online... the game is dead already, wake up!!!

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Céline » Mon 13 May 2019, 14:46

Stop trolling ! (both Tug and Nobu).

@Tug : take a sentence out of context does not make you more "believable"... (it does not give more weight to your words)
I said it when Russian players wrote several messages in RU on the EN part of the forum.

And we know better than you how many players are connected at each moment of the day on each server.
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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Tugarnix » Mon 13 May 2019, 15:03

Das ist kein Spaß. Gehe ich recht in der Annahme, dass die Übernahme einer persönliche Beleidigung von offizieller Seite, meine für jeden nachvollziehbare Beobachtung diskreditieren soll?
Seid Ihr wirklich so boniert zu glauben, ihr könnt irgend etwas retten, wenn ihr genauso weiter macht wie bisher?
Es mag sein, dass die frz. Community stärker einbezogen wird, wer meint deshalb die Kritik an den falschen Entscheidungen von virtys ins Lächerliche ziehen zu müssen, beschleunigt den Untergang dieses Spieles nur.
Trollen ist, wer den anderen provoziert ohne inhaltlich etwas zum Thema beitragen zu wollen.

It's no joke. I'm right in assuming that the assumption of a personal insult from the official side, should discredit my for every comprehensible observation?
Are you really bonboned to believe that you can save anything if you go on doing the same?
It may be that the French community gets more involved, Who thinks that to ridicule the criticism of the wrong decisions of virtys, accelerates the downfall of this game only.
Trolling is if provokating others without contribute something to the topic.

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby dalth » Mon 13 May 2019, 15:05

Céline wrote:....

And we know better than you how many players are connected at each moment of the day on each server.

honnêtement, en ce moment , que ce soit matin midi ou soir (heure française) sur teasan , je trouve que c'est calme :) vivement le prochaine Maj !
" y a des jours où faut pas m'chercher, et y a des jours tous les jours "
Krän prince de torgnol

j'aime bien sa manière de penser à ce gars là :twisted:

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Céline » Mon 13 May 2019, 15:08

dalth wrote:vivement le prochaine Maj !

Ouaip :D
Même si j'en ai encore 5 ou 6 de retard et des alts qui n'ont toujours pas fini le Lanfar...
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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby guivou » Mon 13 May 2019, 16:14

pas besoin d'une grosse mise à jour, un bijou comme la pierre celeste va remonter les max de quelques metiers et un batiment de guilde pour s'occuper avec au bout une bonne recette (type lingot hulbegor ?) avec rien que ça y a moyen de s'occuper quelques mois ....

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby PHOENIX » Mon 20 May 2019, 11:25

Already on May 20, there is no news about new servers. Yes, there are always several opponents of this, but there are a lot of people who are waiting for a new server, we are with my old guild waiting every day.

Вот уже 20 мая а новостей про новые сервера нет. Да, всегда найдется несколько противников этого, но есть много людей кто ждёт нового сервера, мы с моим старым кланом в ожидании каждый день.

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Falkarma » Tue 21 May 2019, 01:49

Hi there, here is an update about the technical stuff, we are on holiday here in Québec, it's called "Jour des patriotes", but this has nothing to do with what I'm about to write.

As we had many requests (mostly from the RU community) about the merge, we decided to look into this possibility. The merge is not a simple task because of the way our database is done. Anyway, our tests have led us on a path that we did not expect and we are looking into some new optimizations of the database that could result in lowering our hosting cost (meaning more money for the game content) so we decided to take a deep look into the evolution of our database over time. We hope this delay will be, in the end, a major bonus for the community.

Regarding the merge, there are fundamental problems that it generates that we still have to fix:

-We would have to raise the maximum number of heroes to 15 per account (3 servers X 5 players).
-We will have to give some kind of suffix to heroes' names to avoid duplicates ( Tanis_Nicolas, Tanis_Ruslana, etc.)
-Shared houses are a nightmare to merge.

I did not see any opinion about the merging of Fiergrue+Teasan and Wojtek+Loucantar , does the french and english community have thought on that?

All this should push our technical update for servers to the end of the month, but I still expect that we will have something before June.

Version en français
Bonjour par ici, voici un point concernant la mise à jour technique du jeu. Ce lundi est férié ici au Québec, c'est le "jour des patriotes", mais cela n'a rien à voir avec ce dont je vais vous parler.

Comme nous avions de nombreuses demandes (principalement de la part de la communauté RU) à propos de la fusion de serveurs, nous avons décidé d'envisager cette possibilité. Ce n'est pas une chose facile en raison de la manière dont la base de données est structurée. Quoi qu'il en soit, ces tests nous ont menés sur une voie inattendue et nous examinons de nouvelles optimisations de la base de données, ce qui pourrait réduire les coût d'hébergement (ce qui signifie plus d'argent pour le contenu du jeu). Nous avons donc décidé d'approfondir l'examen de la base de données. Nous espérons que ce retard sera, en fin de compte, un atout majeur pour la communauté.

En ce qui concerne la fusion, il y a des problèmes fondamentaux que cela génère que nous devons encore résoudre:
- Nous aurions à augmenter le nombre maximum de héros à 15 par compte (3 serveurs X 5 joueurs).
- Nous devrons donner une sorte de suffixe au nom des héros pour éviter les doublons (Tanis_Nicolas, Tanis_Ruslana, etc.)
- Les maisons partagées sont un cauchemar à fusionner.

Je n'ai pas vu d'opinion sur la fusion de Fiergrue + Teasan et de Wojtek + Loucantar, la communauté française et anglaise a-t-elle pensé à cela?

Tout cela devrait repousser notre mise à jour technique pour les serveurs jusqu'à la fin du mois, mais je prévois toujours que nous aurons quelque chose avant juin.

We cannot answer everything but here is a small "hey" to everyone on the last two pages:
  • Phoenix: Thanks, you made me make this post, I was too deep in the merge problem and forgot to update you all.
  • Guivou: Yep, la gemme est demandée depuis longtemps oui ;-)
  • Turganix: I understand from your messages that you are not in favor of the servers. We all wish Virtys could make 40 billions per year like Oracle yes. :-)
  • Nubukita: Salut, vive la communauté! :-)
  • Hardson: High-level stuff incoming!
  • Clouddiger: Hi!
  • Angryplayer: Thanks, very happy to know we have horrible standards, not sure what is left to argue with you after that.
  • Haunted: Welcome to the game.
  • Rufio: To be honest the global population is lowering slowly yes, maybe it's less visible on Loucantar or when you play. That why we are looking into new marketing methods.

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Nina » Tue 21 May 2019, 04:19

Heya Falk!

#1 Thank you SO much for reaching out to us!

#2 - I, personally, would love, love, LOVE to see 15 heroes per account. Big yes! Big WOOHOO! Let's do it!

#3 - I would also like to see the merge of Wotjek and Loucanter. At this point, more players on one server, instead of spread out would be great.

#4 - Happy long weekend! :)


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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby guivou » Tue 21 May 2019, 06:20

you have trouble merging server especially with sharing house and for you it's necessary to increase number of character : i deduce that if some one get an account on teasan and fiergrue for example you will merge to have one big account . Did you consider to make some duplication in database and adding a parameter in logon to choose if you want to log guivou_teas (one of the 5 char) or guivou-fier and so keeping having 2 small account (seems to be more simple or do you have an account limit per server ?) . i wonder how much people have account on more than 1 server and if so is it important for them to merge , because if account are already upgraded the same way on the 2 server it's not very important for them to have one big or 2 small account, and if not upgraded the same way , i understand that it gives you headache to solve

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby shanka » Tue 21 May 2019, 06:40

warmate wrote:In TR server, there is only one.

About merging, could you merge TR server and any other country servers?

Personally, merging with other countries is OK for TR server. Already, there are a few people playing TS :/

we have the same problem in the italian server.
it would be great if it would be possible to merge different country servers keeping the translation of the quests.
so turkish (TR is turkish right?) people can see quest in turkish, italian people in italian and they will try to communicate with each other in english

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby stavi » Tue 21 May 2019, 12:23

PHOENIX wrote:Hello!
Already on May 20, there is no news about new servers. Yes, there are always several opponents of this, but there are a lot of people who are waiting for a new server, we are with my old guild waiting every day.

Вот уже 20 мая а новостей про новые сервера нет. Да, всегда найдется несколько противников этого, но есть много людей кто ждёт нового сервера, мы с моим старым кланом в ожидании каждый день.

I agree!

I am checking almost each day if a new server starts. Few of my old friends with which I played in 2015 would love to start Therian Saga again but no one of us wants to start on a 2 year + servers. There is something special when the economy of a server starts developing!

So we are waiting for any news!

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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Céline » Tue 21 May 2019, 13:29

stavi wrote:So we are waiting for any news!

Just look 4 messages before yours ;)
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Re: Some news from Virtys!

Postby Donik » Tue 21 May 2019, 14:38

Polish server wants a merge ;).

My propose:

If "-Shared houses are a nightmare to merge." - then move them not shared and as a rebate give us a scroll to share;)

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