Night Client

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Re: Night Client

Postby Mangireka » Sat 14 Sep 2019, 15:59

Hi Céline,

I think your export file is empty. I must admit, that I usually open csv with notepad or notepad++
But I tried it with opening just by double click and there was no problem with it.

{832C21F7-2FDF-4A57-BFA3-C01982CD09DB}.png.jpg (87.79 KiB) Viewed 25105 times

Please remember to Night's comment on the export function..
NightCroucher wrote:So you need to execute search before exporting.

As you can see, Recipes.csv in my picture is 1 kB. It is empty except for the column titles.

Greetings, Mangireka
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Re: Night Client

Postby Céline » Sat 14 Sep 2019, 17:44

Find it ! Thank you.
But I have a to small configuration. Hem. I can't open a second xls files (excel crashes). So, I opened the cvs with the notepad of W10, changed , to tab. Copy. Past on the wright place (cell A2, from skills to page skill, etc). And waited, waited waited... (a little more than 3 minutes for the first one, the second ""import" was faster)
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yes \o/

Seems that Unit [search] can't see units at home, it's not as useful as the other two. Or I missed something (again ?)

If facts, I tried to "open" the cvs directly on your xlsx files. Hem.
Goes better with the right method !
(This will be maybe help someone else that tried as I do first)
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Re: Night Client

Postby Mangireka » Sat 14 Sep 2019, 17:53

You can view all units even those in the homes by using the function in the menu "Homes" > "Check all homes" before searching the units in the global unit tab.

Addendum: You can imrove the performance of the excel sheets by deleting the formulas in the rows where there are empty char slots. I created the sheet for 100 possible chars (for very ambitious players;). All the rows that will stay empty are redundant.

Addendum 2: @NightCroucher: I just noticed, that the homes which have been unlocked with the "Shared home key" are neither listed in the char-homes tab nor in the global buildings tab. Could you fix it with the next update, please? Thank you in advance :)
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Re: Night Client

Postby Veroh » Tue 17 Sep 2019, 09:26

Всем привет.
Имею такую ошибочную ситуацию:
Используя программу "NightClient", обнаружил, что у некоторых твинов некоторые предметы стали находиться в недоступных сумках. Сумках, которые не были куплены в магазине за кроны. Т.е. у твина всего две сумки - "bag:0" и "bag:1", а предметы в сумках "bag:2" - "bag:4", и, естественно, в игре не доступны.
Эти предметы с помощью "NightClient" можно переложить в первую сумку через склад ("Store" > "Take"), но вдруг такое случится с имперским предметом?

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Re: Night Client

Postby Céline » Tue 17 Sep 2019, 09:47

Send me a mail to, I'll transfer your items from "lock bag" to the first one.
It happened when you tranfered a character from an account with more bags to one with less bag.
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Re: Night Client

Postby NightCroucher » Tue 17 Sep 2019, 15:00

Easiest way to solve that is to buy all bag slots )
In client it is a result of ordering items. As far as i remember potions are moving to 2 and consumables to 4. All other types are not affected by it.

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Re: Night Client

Postby Veroh » Tue 17 Sep 2019, 16:47

Спасибо, Céline.
Ни какие персонажи не переносились между аккаунтами.

Спасибо, NightCroucher.
Я понял - это фишка "NightClient". )

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Re: Night Client

Postby Céline » Tue 17 Sep 2019, 17:24

Strange. You can't put things in a bag that was never unlocked (and it's not possible to re-lock them)... But if it's the case, same solution : send me a mail at
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Re: Night Client

Postby NightCroucher » Wed 18 Sep 2019, 18:04

Céline wrote:Strange. You can't put things in a bag that was never unlocked (and it's not possible to re-lock them)...

Well, but you can ;) Sometimes bounds in our life are only imaginary...

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Re: Night Client

Postby SlyScrutator » Sat 21 Sep 2019, 00:45

Hi Night,
I found a couple of bugs in exporting data to csv:
1) Some item names contain the symbol “,” (example: “Крысолюдо-человеческий словарь, том 1” in Russian). Therefore, the structure of the csv file is falling apart. Can you replace the separator?
2) Some names of recipes are the same in different professions (hunting and tanning in Russian). Can you export an additional column with the profession to which the recipe belongs?

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Re: Night Client

Postby Cadyenie » Tue 01 Oct 2019, 23:34

Client really helps.
A bug that is really annoying is the lack of a timeout. If client is unable to complete a task, it never quits and has to be restarted. One example of this is trying to send a mail from a guild domain without a character being present at the domain.

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Re: Night Client

Postby Veroh » Wed 02 Oct 2019, 08:52

Привет Night,
1) Обнаружил небольшую ошибку: клиент думает, что можно выставить более 9-и задач.
Снимок.JPG (100.07 KiB) Viewed 24467 times

Т.е., если после 9-и задач ещё есть энергия - можно добавлять работу. При этом число задач увеличивается (task: 10, 11, ...) и появляется полоса прокрутки в окошке задач. Если последняя задача сон, то энергия становится отрицательной и на этом клиент успокаивается. В самой игре ни чего не добавляется и не изменяется.
2) Согласен с Cadyenie.
3) Есть пожелание по улучшению возможностей "NightClient": на главных вкладках, где есть поиск (напр. "Items", "Recipes" сразу после "Heroes") сделать, чтобы поиск был не только по наличию, но и по отсутствию. (Напр. только по указанию соответствующего флажка и только после слова "Sum" список имён твинов у кого указанный предмет (рецепт) отсутствует.)

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Re: Night Client

Postby NightCroucher » Wed 02 Oct 2019, 20:57

Mangireka wrote:Addendum 2: @NightCroucher: I just noticed, that the homes which have been unlocked with the "Shared home key" are neither listed in the char-homes tab nor in the global buildings tab. Could you fix it with the next update, please? Thank you in advance :)

shared homes are counted as home only for owner, for other characters they are common locations with set of zones.
so they can be found only by owner. at new server i have only one such house and it has been found without any problem and listed in both lists.

SlyScrutator wrote:Hi Night,
I found a couple of bugs in exporting data to csv:
1) Some item names contain the symbol “,” (example: “Крысолюдо-человеческий словарь, том 1” in Russian). Therefore, the structure of the csv file is falling apart. Can you replace the separator?
2) Some names of recipes are the same in different professions (hunting and tanning in Russian). Can you export an additional column with the profession to which the recipe belongs?

- a have added quotes to field values, it will fix the issue
- unfortunately recipe does not have info about profession or task. it works in the opposite way, but i don't have any task list aside of task available for characters at current locations and stored ones. it is far from full and will not allow to fill the data.

also a have added separate buttons to export list into clipboard. i think it will make export/import process faster without additional files. in general i can insert data directly into excel, maybe later...

Cadyenie wrote:Client really helps.
A bug that is really annoying is the lack of a timeout. If client is unable to complete a task, it never quits and has to be restarted. One example of this is trying to send a mail from a guild domain without a character being present at the domain.

There is a wide range of time consuming actions in the client, character check can last several minutes. Plus a am lazy one )
So i will just fix domain sending for now...

Veroh wrote:Привет Night,
1) Обнаружил небольшую ошибку: клиент думает, что можно выставить более 9-и задач.

Т.е., если после 9-и задач ещё есть энергия - можно добавлять работу. При этом число задач увеличивается (task: 10, 11, ...) и появляется полоса прокрутки в окошке задач. Если последняя задача сон, то энергия становится отрицательной и на этом клиент успокаивается. В самой игре ни чего не добавляется и не изменяется.
2) Согласен с Cadyenie.
3) Есть пожелание по улучшению возможностей "NightClient": на главных вкладках, где есть поиск (напр. "Items", "Recipes" сразу после "Heroes") сделать, чтобы поиск был не только по наличию, но и по отсутствию. (Напр. только по указанию соответствующего флажка и только после слова "Sum" список имён твинов у кого указанный предмет (рецепт) отсутствует.)

- лимит количества задач у всех разный, от 4 до 13 в некоторых редких случаях. а точное значение, как и значение остальных параметров связанных с магазином, я получить пока не могу. так что этот момент каждый игрок должен контролировать сам пока
- ответил выше
- у меня пока не возникало такой потребности, но я добавлю с список хотелок


New version with most of the fixes and some improvements is now in the testing, maybe it will be released tomorrow.

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Re: Night Client

Postby SlyScrutator » Thu 03 Oct 2019, 20:55

NightCroucher wrote:- unfortunately recipe does not have info about profession or task. it works in the opposite way, but i don't have any task list aside of task available for characters at current locations and stored ones. it is far from full and will not allow to fill the data.

Hi Night,
I probably said the wrong thing about the profession. I meant an additional column with skill in Recipes.csv.

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Re: Night Client

Postby NightCroucher » Fri 04 Oct 2019, 07:18

update v1.0.13
- hero items page - new bag filters - enabled by default
- hero actions page - "Max Actions" checkbox moved to top toolbar and now checked by default
- global items page - new button "restock", similar to "payday" but sends selected item. Use: select destination character (or several) at heroes tab, search and select desired item at global items tab, press "restock" and enter quantity. now owner of the item will try to send missing quantity of selected item to all destination characters. Function for people who mainly use one character to store and distribute items to others.
- global items page - fixed sending of multiple selected items with different owners;
- global items page - list update after transfer operations;
- "auto get" mail option now place items little lower at (0;28) in bag 0 for more comfortable in game searching;
- "auto get" mail option now moves received items to deposite if same type was already there and not in bags;
- csv export - got sub-menus for each type, now sending data to clipboard instead of csv files
- csv export - skill column for recipes
- internal improvements
- bug fixes

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Re: Night Client

Postby SlyScrutator » Fri 04 Oct 2019, 12:05

Hi Night,
Thank you so much for your work. Exporting to the clipboard works fine. But could you add export to all csv files by one click? This is convenient for working with data sources and eliminates unnecessary manual file creation operations.

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Re: Night Client

Postby NightCroucher » Fri 04 Oct 2019, 13:53

SlyScrutator, previously it was necessary to open .csv files one by one and copy data to Mangireka's xls. Idea was to remove first step by putting data to clipboard, so you can paste it directly to target xls without opening anything. Or do you use it for some other purpose?

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Re: Night Client

Postby SlyScrutator » Fri 04 Oct 2019, 14:11

NightCroucher wrote:SlyScrutator, previously it was necessary to open .csv files one by one and copy data to Mangireka's xls. Idea was to remove first step by putting data to clipboard, so you can paste it directly to target xls without opening anything. Or do you use it for some other purpose?

I use csv files to load data into MySQL database through a PowerShell script and into my Excel workbook through a data source. I do not copy anything, but only start the update by one click ;-) If there is time to complete my soft to usable interface, then I will also publish it for other players.

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Re: Night Client

Postby NightCroucher » Tue 22 Oct 2019, 21:44

update v1.14.3
- hero actions page - "Prolong actions" button. Will try to set pre-last task until it is impossible to set it or actions count will reach 9. Very helpful for setting actions queues for fully upgraded heroes with repeating actions (sleep/action cycle). Only starts if there is currently at least 3 actions in a queue.
- hero actions - new actions count limit increased to 1000 (client will still set them by splitting into 100 and less)
- hero area page - area's region added, search and filters;
- hero home page - home size info;
- global items page - item skill filter (hint - double click on any skill in a list will set that skill as filter, same for item's name)
- csv export - returned button for file export;
- changed version numbering
- internal improvements
- bug fixes

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Re: Night Client

Postby Cadyenie » Wed 23 Oct 2019, 18:53

New filters look nice. I have a request for the next update. Can you please change all energy readings to include a decimal? Many actions take x.9 energy, but only show as x, and are very difficult to calculate needed potions.

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