Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

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Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

Postby Falkarma » Thu 28 Jun 2018, 15:16

Et bien voilà, il y a 5 ans nous lancions officiellement Therian Saga avec l’ouverture de l’Antre et l’instauration de notre système de monétisation. Le jeu était déjà en exploitation depuis plus d’un an, en version alpha et bêta, nos plus vieux comptes joueurs datant du 16 avril 2012. Nous avons débuté la création du jeu en 2009, les deux premières années en mode projet “de soirée” où nous avons construit notre vision du jeu. C’est en 2011 que nous avons vraiment décidé de pousser la Saga des Thérians vers un produit commercial, nous avons grossi l’équipe et bâti l’infrastructure nécessaire à la sortie du jeu.

Tout ceci pour dire que Therian Saga n’est plus un jeune jeu.

Si on me demandait de dire ce que j’ai préféré de toute cette aventure je dirais que c’est le fait que le jeu a été bâti par un réseau d’amis. Dès le début du projet nous avons présenté nos idées à des proches et beaucoup d’entre eux se sont greffés au projet pour un temps ou de façon permanente. Ces amis nous ont présenté d’autres amis dont certains ont fait aussi un bout de chemin avec nous. Je crois vraiment que toute cette énergie mise en commun par des gens qui cherchaient avant tout à exprimer leurs capacités créatives a fait que Therian Saga possède un charme et un caractère rarement trouvés dans d’autres projets.

Où en sommes-nous aujourd’hui? Comme vos personnages, on pourrait dire que les jeux dans l’industrie ont des aptitudes hautes ou basses. Therian Saga a comme aptitude principale la rétention, ce qui fait que nous avons une communauté fidèle qui reste avec nous sur une longue période. Notre aptitude la plus basse est probablement l’acquisition. Il n’a jamais été facile pour nous de convaincre un nouveau joueur de prendre le temps de découvrir le potentiel du jeu. Quel est le résultat de tout ça? Une bonne communauté très active et engagée, mais qui ne se renouvelle pas beaucoup. C’est un peu comme si nous jouions à Donjons et Dragons: les designers sont les maîtres de jeu qui bâtissent le monde pour leur joueurs. C’est quand même super comme concept.

Je profite de ce texte pour parler d’un de nos échecs, la version Unity. Je sais que vous allez continuer à nous demander cette nouvelle version, mais dans l’état actuel des choses nous ne pourrons pas la faire. Les revenus du jeu ne nous permettent tout simplement pas un aussi gros développement sans abandonner toute création de contenu, ce qui diminuerait notre rétention et nous couperait donc les revenus disponibles pour développer la version Unity. Nous avons également cherché du financement et des partenaires, mais l’intérêt n’est pas là pour la conversion technologique. Nous avons maintenu notre code à jour avec les avancés de Unity advenant une opportunité pour relancer le projet. Au niveau de la planification pour Unity, nous croyons qu’au début de 2019 nous allons prendre une décision importante. Nous vous ferons part de celle-ci en temps voulu.

Et pour notre bonne vieille version de Therian Saga, à quoi faut-il s’attendre? Cette année nous allons avoir encore des mise à jour de contenu, des ajouts de fonctions et nous allons changer quelques concepts de base comme le nombre de personnages par compte. Mais je crois qu’une décision majeure nous attend pour la fin de l’année. Comme je disais nous sommes sur Therian Saga depuis très très longtemps et en prenant un peu de recul, Cloud et moi arrivons à la conclusion que nous avons peut-être atteint le point où nous ne somme plus les meilleures personne pour développer le contenu du jeu. Ne vous inquiétez pas, cela ne signifie pas que nous comptons disparaître dans les brumes, mais que nous pourrons nous concentrer sur la direction/production et apporter du sang neuf au jeu. Des gens qui auront de nouvelles idées, de nouvelles orientations et même des visions différentes. Une de nos tâche en 2018 est donc de former une relève. On croit vraiment que ce sera bénéfique pour nos joueurs, et c’est ça le plus important.

Toute l’équipe tient à profiter de l’occasion pour souligner le travail incommensurable de nos bénévoles qui nous ont soutenus ces dernières années. Nous ajoutons aussi des remerciements pour ceux qui ont pris le temps de fabriquer des outils pour Therian Saga. Merci encore!

Et comme nous fêtons nos 5 ans, nous réduisons le prix de tout ce qu’il y a dans la boutique pour une semaine, amusez-vous bien!

English version:
Well, here we are, five years ago we officially launched Therian Saga with the opening of the Den and the introduction of our monetization system. The game was already in operation for over a year, in alpha and beta versions, our oldest player accounts dating from April 16, 2012. We started the creation of the game in 2009, the first two years in "after work" mode where we built our vision of the game. It was in 2011 that we really decided to push Therian Saga towards a commercial product, we swelled the team and built the infrastructure necessary to bring it out of the game.

All this to say that Therian Saga is no longer a young game.

If I were asked to say what I liked most about this adventure, I would say that it is the fact that the game was built by a network of friends. From the beginning of the project we presented our ideas to relatives and many of them were grafted to the project for a time or permanently. These friends introduced us to other friends, some of whom have also come a long way with us. I really believe that all this energy pooled by people who primarily wanted to express their creative abilities made that Therian Saga have a charm and character rarely found in other projects.

Where are we today? Like your characters, you could say that games in the industry have high or low skills. Therian Saga's main skill is retention, so we have a loyal community that stays with us for a long time. Our lowest skill is surely acquisition. It has never been easy for us to convince a new player that he should stay with us and take the time to give the game a chance to demonstrate its potential. What is the result of all this? A good community very active and engaged but that does not renew much. It's a bit like playing Dungeons and Dragons: designers are the game masters who build the world for their players. It's still great as a concept.

This text is the perfect time to talk about one of our failures, the Unity version. I know you will continue to ask for this new version, but in the current state of things we will not be able to do it. The revenue from the game just does not allow us such a big development without giving up any content creation, which would reduce our retention and therefore cut the revenue available to develop the Unity version. We have also looked for funding and partners, but there is no interest in technology conversion. We kept our code up to date with Unity's new version it case there was an opportunity to restart the project. At the planning level for Unity, we believe that at the beginning of 2019 we will take radical choices, but currently we are only keeping the code up to date. We will get back at you with our decision.

And for our good old version of Therian Saga, what can we expect? This year we are still going to have content updates, feature additions and we are going to change some basic concepts like the number of characters per account. But I believe that a major decision is awaiting us for the end of the year. As I said we are on Therian Saga for a very long time and taking a step back, sometimes Cloud and I come to the conclusion that we may have reached the point where we are no longer the best people to develop the content of the game. Do not worry, it does not mean we're going to disappear in the mists. But that we can focus on direction / production and bring new blood to the game. People who will have new ideas, new directions and even different visions. So, one of our tasks in 2018 is to train a new generation, we really believe that it will be beneficial for our players, and that's the most important thing.

The entire team would like to take this opportunity to highlight the immeasurable work of our volunteers who have supported us over the last few years. We also add thanks for those who took the time to make tools for Therian Saga. Thanks again!

So now, and as we celebrate our 5 years, we will reduce the price of everything in the shop for a week, have fun!
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Re: Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

Postby Céline » Thu 28 Jun 2018, 15:31

Bon anniversaire \o/
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Re: Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

Postby DamianThule » Thu 28 Jun 2018, 15:58

Joyeux anniversaire !!!

Merci infiniment pour le travail que vous fournissez, et le plaisir que vous nous apportez (même si parfois on rale un peu aprce que c'est dur...).

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Re: Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

Postby NightCroucher » Thu 28 Jun 2018, 16:05

Happy birthday! ) I'm feeling like part of the team :D

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Re: Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

Postby Cloudigger » Thu 28 Jun 2018, 16:20

NightCroucher wrote:Happy birthday! ) I'm feeling like part of the team :D

You are :D

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Re: Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

Postby Izual » Thu 28 Jun 2018, 18:04

Joyeux anniversaire !

Pffff, maintenant moi et Therian saga/Fatecraft, ça battu mon temps records de relation... XD

Happy birthday !
Pffff, now my relation with Therian saga / Fatecraft beat my time relationship records... XD

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Re: Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

Postby Tuf » Thu 28 Jun 2018, 19:52

Happy Birthday. Nice to have ability to play such nice game. If u need smth to test - welcome :-)

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Re: Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

Postby Tiny Hippo » Thu 28 Jun 2018, 20:38

First of all i'd like to congratulate you all and all of us with Five year's date. )

Falkarma wrote:Our lowest skill is surely acquisition. It has never been easy for us to convince a new player that he should stay with us and take the time to give the game a chance to demonstrate its potential.

imo, the biggest mistake in demonstrating the game at the starting stage is "enthusiasm". I will not tell you my vision, I will just tell you the experience of my acquaintance with the game. I was delighted with the first day of the game, everything was going quickly, I simply did not have much time to pay attention to fact that the "enthusiasm" is not the permanental state, because at the first meet with game it's like you came into a candy shop and could't focus on all info due to diversity. In particular, I did not pay attention to the message that enthusiasm is working the first day and what was my disappointment on the second day of the game, when everything became slow, long, measured and tedious. And, to be honest, I quit the game, for two weeks. In early May, during the post-Soviet space, it usually time for holidays and on one of the days off, I went back into the game and now for 3 years I've been with you) After personal experience, then many times read in the chat from disappointed beginners, messages about slowing down.

Falkarma wrote: The revenue from the game just does not allow us such a big development without giving up any content creation, which would reduce our retention and therefore cut the revenue available to develop the Unity version. We have also looked for funding and partners, but there is no interest in technology conversion.

You should organize fundraising. You already did this in the past, and we, your old friends, did not disappoint you) but not in the summer, many spend less time for the PC (again, another voice for the mobile version, because people do not part with smartphones)

Falkarma wrote: like the number of characters per account.

Hopefully upwards? )

Falkarma wrote:So now, and as we celebrate our 5 years, we will reduce the price of everything in the shop for a week, have fun!

Thanks, big up ;)
I'm not rude to you, I'm just hurtful

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Re: Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

Postby Céline » Thu 28 Jun 2018, 20:41

Tiny Hippo wrote:
Falkarma wrote: like the number of characters per account.

Hopefully upwards? )

Yes ;)
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Re: Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

Postby PlainSpell » Fri 29 Jun 2018, 06:23

Tiny Hippo wrote:
Falkarma wrote: The revenue from the game just does not allow us such a big development without giving up any content creation, which would reduce our retention and therefore cut the revenue available to develop the Unity version. We have also looked for funding and partners, but there is no interest in technology conversion.

You should organize fundraising. You already did this in the past, and we, your old friends, did not disappoint you) but not in the summer, many spend less time for the PC (again, another voice for the mobile version, because people do not part with smartphones)

I suggest HTML 5. It can do all that silverlight does now, those few animations (like double progressbar) could be done with css, canvas is not needed even. There is a lot more to css than just say Bootstrap. A few background js things might not work in ie.

Html is supported on about all platforms and has the longest future of all options. Also nearly every developer thinks they are html dev, so finding help shouldn't be a problem. But very few really are, as I learned being in html backend nearly all my career...

Just a thought.

And, erm, happy birthday. :)

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Re: Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

Postby Falkarma » Fri 29 Jun 2018, 13:19

Yup, I also think that "enthusiasm" is a double-edged blade. Sometime in can help, but it's kinda weird and a new player will not it implication and as you said it can set false expectation about the game.

Some players asked us give the sleep anticipation (premium state) at first, so the game look less limiting from the start. I would say that I'm now in favor of this change.

PlainSpell: I've not enough knowledge of html5 to know if it could be done, but Unity have the ultimate advantage to be using c# as Silverlight is, so we have thousand and thousand of lines of code that does not need to be rewriten from scratch. That's really what settled the technology for us back in 2015.

About the number of hero per account, we were analysing the number 15, can't be sure it will be that, but thats our first guess. Player from the Steam platform would not have to get others native account in order to play.
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Re: Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

Postby Woody » Fri 29 Jun 2018, 15:26

Happy Birfday doods and doodettes...

Didn't read much like a celebration missive tho'... sounds like you all need a holiday!!

I'm sure BC purchases will have a little spike with the summer of recycling :) hehe

Don't feel like you failed... the folks that love the game... love you too. Much to be proud of.

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Re: Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

Postby Nina » Fri 29 Jun 2018, 15:38


I'm excited for the changes and hoping to see in lot of new long-time players as a result of your shift in focus. :)

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Re: Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

Postby Balok » Fri 29 Jun 2018, 15:50

Happy Birthday, Therian Saga!
Gentlemen! You can't fight in here!! This is the War Room!

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Re: Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

Postby NightCroucher » Fri 29 Jun 2018, 16:23

As long as we started to discuss some possible improvements, i want to share one of my ideas. It's about companions use. So far the we can only use our companions to gather something, if they are in hero's team. I think we can add some 'slots' to homes and allow the companions to work without taking place in hero's team. These slots should be bought in BC shop same as hero's team ones.
Implementation of this idea will ease player's hunger for twins and bring some money )

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Re: Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

Postby Liraine » Sat 30 Jun 2018, 08:55

Happy birthday! :)

For the unity project it would be best to have another fundraising project. I would gladly pay for another emperator package if I knew that you will be able to employ some developers and get to unity version. I know lot of people who are currently unable to play, I also had to upgrade my browser few weeks ago and now I am stuck with Internet explorer which reduces my will to play :?

I do not want Therian saga to end, it is great game with great story :-)

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Re: Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

Postby Cloudigger » Sat 30 Jun 2018, 09:46

Liraine wrote:Happy birthday! :)

For the unity project it would be best to have another fundraising project. I would gladly pay for another emperator package if I knew that you will be able to employ some developers and get to unity version. I know lot of people who are currently unable to play, I also had to upgrade my browser few weeks ago and now I am stuck with Internet explorer which reduces my will to play :?

I do not want Therian saga to end, it is great game with great story :-)


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Re: Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

Postby JacoboGordon » Sat 30 Jun 2018, 13:37

Happy birthday!

I'm really enjoing Therian Saga and I think bringing it to Unity would be something, to bring this game Forward.
Silverlight is not supported anymore on the most popular Browsers like Chrome or Firefox..
If you lack the Money to hire developers to do so, you should do another fundraiser!
Me and as you have already seen, some others, are willing to pay, to bring this game forward!!

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Re: Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

Postby bacchus » Sat 30 Jun 2018, 15:53

Hic...Joyeux noël...hic non heu joyeuse pâque heu non attendez.
Ah joyeux anni quelque chose bref sont ou les bibines.

5 ans de jeu j'ai battu toutes mes records de temps sur un jeu ( 1er compte mai second aout ) en ce temps la les compagnons travaillaient sans maison sans salaire mais qu'est ce qu'on picoler maintenant c'est non suis trop fatiguer mon lit m'attend mauvaise idée de votre part leur donner autant de liberté quoique ça fait plus de tonneau pour moi.
hic... l'est ou ma bibine Ah la volà.
Enfin voilà joyeux machin
hé comme je ne suis jamais sur fofo ou tchat mais là pour les 5 ans hic... j'en profite pour vous souligner un grave manquement dans le jeu: L'est ou le raisin, l'est ou la culture et la fabrication de la vinasse car le rhumbaba quelque chose c'est bon pour les troll des cavernes. :lol: :lol: :lol:

L’alcool est blanc mais rougit le visage, l’or est jaune mais noircit le coeur.”

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Re: Cinq Ans! / Five Years!

Postby antipal » Thu 05 Jul 2018, 20:33

Votre compte a été créé le 06/10/2012 et ...

Y a rétention abusive... je proteste :lol:

Bon anniversaire !merci à toute l' équipe pour ces longues heures de détente :mrgreen:

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